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- For this page I decided to make it double the size so that I could fit more onto one page. I used Sketchup to create the background, and then I added more assets like the crowd you see here. I did this, so I could save time on sketching out new poses for this page. 

- Here's the finished results for the background. I added more assets such as the DDR machine, the broken arcade machine, more crowd assets representing the main cast of characters and later on, I added some wires to where the DDR machine is connected too. 

- Soon after completing the background I roughed out the main villain of this chapter. Then I added more street signs and some action line assets. Later on I decided to blur the whole background including the signs and action lines, just to add some motion to the page. 

- Eventually I outlined the pose and added all the tones to the character. Then I added some effects and then worded the whole page. Before I exported the page as a PNG, I had to split them up into two pages. 


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