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- Here's the rough sketch for page one-hundred and seventeen.

- Here's the rough sketch for page one-hundred and eighteen.

- Then I merged the both sketches together so I could work on these two pages at the same time, I did this by making a canvas large enough for two pages, then reused some of the backgrounds from work I've done before. Afterwards I added the poses and 3D models for the top and bottom of the page, then I added the final pose in the small panel above the arcade machine. 

- Later on I designed the pose for the bottom of the page, then added all the 3D assets for the main hero's pose. Then I completed the pose for the small panel by changing the facial expression and hair. While I was finishing off the poses I added some extra debris for where the arcade machine has landed. 

- Soon as I completed the outlines for all three poses I began to shade and colour all the poses, while I was toning I needed a reference for shading the main villains pose. After completing the whole canvas I used templates to select each part of the file, and each part segment of the page would be copied and saved both parts as PNGs.  


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