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- For page one-hundred and two I wanted something simple to do, so I created a two panel page with the main hero lunging towards the main villain of this chapter. 

- Later on I began to develop these two panels. While doing so I ended up changing the bottom panel, instead of a hand forming the weapon, it's the main hero who's about to strike the villain. 

- Soon after roughing out the poses I decided to redraw them, but this time I exaggerated the perspective and proportions for the main hero's body for the top and bottom panels.  

- Afterwards I outlined both panels and sketched out the face for the top panel. 

- After finishing off the shading both panels I decided to make a long enough canvas to fit three pages. What you see here are three already completed pages that will be written about in the future. Eventually I made templates with the page size and pasted each template along the whole canvas just to see how much of each page would lap over to the next. Then after all that I selected one of the templates, copied and pasted it onto a new canvas and saved it as a PNG.


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