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- This is the rough layout for page seventy-three, I wanted something that had a large panel with two or three smaller panels on one side of the page.

- For each panel I added all the 2D and 3D assets for all three panels, while I was doing this I changed the bottom right panel. Then I drew over the poses for each panel as roughly as I could.

- While I was outlining the two panels on the right side of the page I wanted to try out something new. The clothes that the main villain is wearing is mostly black, so what I decided to do was I coloured parts of the clothing where the light isn't hitting the character. 

- Here's the finished results for the two panels for this page.

- A little bit later I got to work on the large panel. I started the process by cleaning up all three poses and adding extra accessories that I missed during the sketching phase. Afterwards I outlined all three poses, then I sketched out the faces and drew over the sketches.

- After completing the large panel I began to set up all the folders and timeline for the animated segment for this page. I compiled all the frames that this person right here helped me create, then I played the animation to see if I needed to change anything. Before completing the page I exported the page as a GIF and a PNG.


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