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- For pages twenty-nine and thirty I wanted to do some animation, so for page twenty-nine I wanted to some simple mouth flaps with a glitchy overlay. Then for page thirty I wanted to do something more complex. 

- I began on working on the backgrounds for both pages and then got to work on posing page twenty-nine. While doing this I realised that I need to focus on page twenty-nine more because page thirty was going to take more time to create then page twenty-nine. 

- Later on I got to work on roughing out the poses for this page, then I cleaned up the messy detailed poses so that I could outline each pose without any issue. I started with the non animated panels and then added all the faces, halftone shading and textures, then got to work on outlining the base model for the animated panel. Next I added some speech bubbles and assets and then it was time to animate. 

- For the top right panel all I decided to do was create a simple four frames of the mouth moving up and down. Then I added a glitchy video into my animation timeline and set it as an overlay so you could still see the glitchy effects and the mouth flaps. After finishing this animation off I saved it as a Gif and got to work on page thirty.

- For page thirty I decided to set up all the frames using a 3D model and putting it in all these different poses. After doing some tests and adding some smear frames I decided to draw over each pose and adding more 3D poses of the main hero falling on the floor. 

- This is how it turned out. Later on I adjusted the speed so that it would zip along much quicker. After that I outlined each frame. 

- Here's how it looked. 

- Later I added some rough sketches of the faces for each frame. Then I began to experiment with some textures just to see how it would look in motion. 

- After viewing this animation I wasn't satisfied with the results. So what I decided to do was I took the same approach for when I was animating page twenty-nine.  

- I decided that using the same technique for animating page twenty-nine looked a lot better than what I did before. While looking at this I figured that it needed more animated parts. So what I did was I reused some assets from an issue I worked on before, added one or two extra frames while the main hero is in the air and before he moves. After doing so I played it back and was very happy with the results. 


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