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- For page fifteen I wanted to try and do something complex, so what I wanted for this page was a zoom in shot of the main hero's face. So what I did was create a really rough sketch of what I wanted, then used 3D models and backgrounds to create the animation. 

- This is the mock up I was talking about.

- After colouring the background I traced over the pose. Originally I wanted the main hero to be shocked and not do anything, but over time I thought of a different idea. 

- What I did was that I drawn out a new pose for the last frame, instead of him being stunned he raises his weapon hoping to attack what's coming towards him first.

- After detailing the last pose I outlined and laid out all the flats and even one smear for a single frame.   

- Later on I began on roughing and outlining the left arm I got to work on the facial features for each frame. Then I coloured the weapon for each frame as well.

- Eventually I added all the assets that I missed, such as the 1UP on the shirt to the LVL: 3 above his head. 


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