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- These were the original rough drafts for pages eleven and twelve. What I wanted for both pages was the main hero to walk up to the beam, then everything would shake and then on the next page, something would happen. 

- After finishing off the backgrounds first I got to work on the poses. 

-I started by working on page eleven first because it only had one pose to detail, ink and tone. 

- After finishing off page eleven I started working on page twelve. I began to ink and colour the top panel and then finalise the bottom two poses. 

- Then I finished off both pages and I animated both panels. After some time passed I realise that page twelve wasn't the best page I've worked on, so I decided to rework page twelve into an animation. 

- What I did was I reused the background from page eleven, enlarged it to fit the panel, added some animation  for the background, and then I made an animatic for how it's going to look. 

- Afterwards I animated the blob and then got to work on finalising the main pose. 

- After finishing the animation I tweaked some of the frames and edited the timing enough to get the results I wanted. 


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