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- For page twenty and twenty-one I originally wanted the main hero to help the original main villain from the previous chapter. What ended up happening was I changed the panel layout  along side the sketch for page twenty due to lacking time and energy. 

- So what I did was I wanted the main villain to linger around while the main hero discovers that he ended up stabbing the host for The Glitch. For the backgrounds used a mixture of 3D and 2D to get the results I wanted. 

- For the backgrounds for the top and bottom panels for both pages, I added a withered texture with exposed bricks, then I added more action lines for two panels afterwards. During that time I fleshed out all the poses for both pages. 

- Later I got to work on outlining and getting to work on animating the three panels for both pages. I believe this was the part where my art style becomes less rounded and more messy than before. 

- Finally after adding the faces, the halftone gradients, background assets like the rocks on the floor. Then I added the animated assets and the main hero's LVL: 2. While doing all of that I added the main character's pitch fork using a mixture of 2D and 3D. 


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