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- This is the original sketches for pages sixteen and seventeen. What I wanted from these two pages was the homeless man to antagonise the two main characters, then one of them stands up to the homeless man until he throws a punch towards the male character. The homeless man ends up missing with a mug over his fist and loses his footing.

- While I was detailing and setting up all the 3D props and everything, I ended up changing a lot of what I originally planned, for example: I decided to give a reason why the one of the character's mad at the homeless man, instead of an empty mug it's a bowl of noodles, for page sixteen I rearranged and redrew some of the ideas I originally had. 

- After finishing off composing and sketching both pages I started fleshing out page seventeen. I started with the bottom panel by loosely sketching out the main parts I wanted to outline, I left most of the secondary parts out such as the dreads because I wanted to ink them without a guide.

- Then I got to work on the middle panel, that took me a while to figure out because each pose was on a separate folder so that I could work on each image on its own. It was a good set up at the time.

- I got to work outlining the bottom panel first because it would be the quickest to get finished. While going over the two poses for the middle panel I decided to change the top panel to a bowl of noodles with some action lones going in a upwards direction. 

- After finishing off the top panel I got to work on inking the large middle panel. I ended up making a few adjustments while inking, by adding some back pockets for the main character so that it would look like he's twisting around, I also added some wrinkles for the jacket and coat to make it flow better. 

- Here's the finished results for page seventeen. While I was inking I added some of my own action lines by using some circular, straight and curved rulers.  

- After finishing off page seventeen I started finalising the poses for page sixteen. While detailing this page I made some more adjustments, such as: For the middle bottom panel I flipped the bowl around and tilted it slightly, I added a texture for where the homeless man is supposed to be and I added the same bowl from before for the top left panel.

- Here's the finished results of the line work completed. While I was inking I experimented more with the tones I downloaded which gave me some really good results for the top right panel.

- I continued to add more textures for page sixteen, then I worded each panel for both pages. 


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