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My life

  • 2019 has had it's ups and downs for me, mostly due to mental health reasons I don't want to get into but it lead me to go on a break from webcomics and creating in general. While on my break I focused on my part time job, family, friends and getting the help I needed for a long time. Right now I'm feeling a lot better and now I'm creating once again, it's a slow progress but with time I'll be able to upload once again.  


  • This webcomic has stuck with me since the very begining of my artistic career, I finished off chapter six late 2019 and as of now I'm currently writing/drafting chapter seven, nothing is set in stone at the moment but I'll let you know when it's coming.

  • This was a side project I created in the middle of 2019. I thought it was going to be a one off but I thought about creating the first chapter around the end of the year. As of writing this update it's in the process of being made. I still got a lot of pages to work on but hopefully it'll be finished soon.

  • This is a new series I've been plotting since the middle/end of 2019, I don't want to spoil much of it but lets just say that it's something I've been excited about.


That's all the updates that I've gotten planned for. I'm sorry for the lack of updates, I've still got a lot to go through so I can make this year better for myself. I just want to say thank you for sticking with me. Have a great 2020!


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