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Previously on Centaurus: The band arrived in the city of Bine and Fey attracted the attention of a very large dragoness.

Chapter 19:

The nine and a half foot tall, and extremely intimidating, dragoness turned her head and stared at Fey.

She also came to a halt which in turn paused the flow of the crowd as a gigantic person blocking the way tends to do. Ahead the centurion’s voices faltered and stumbled, wondering why their leader had stopped, their marching slowing to a stop.

Everyone was looking now, why had the Lady of the city interrupted the grand parade? For what possible reason could she have stopped?


“M-me?” Said Fey, her voice rising to a higher pitch in fright.

“You have a certain… scent about you…”

“I do?”

“I think it’s your penis,” whisper hissed Rina out of the corner of her mouth, quiet enough that the dragoness couldn't hear.

“I can't say that though can I!” Fey whispered urgently back.

“It really is quite a… delicious smell, what is it, some kind of perfume?”

The crowd stared at the dragoness. Then all their heads turned to look at Fey, or rather, the part below Fey’s barrel, her throbbing shaft which oozed precum even as they watched. Then they turned back to the dragoness and a small realisation threaded its way through the crowd: The dragoness was simply so tall and so far off the ground that she could not see below Fey’s barrel this closeby. The Lady had no idea she was talking to a centaur with a massive throbbing erection right in front of her.

“P-perfume? I d-don't use perfume.”


“You could have used that as an out!” Whisper hissed Rina gently elbowing Fey in the side

The dragonesses eyes shifted from Fey's desperately trying to look innocent face to her horse part, more specifically her horseback. A pair of small terrified faces looked back up at her, clearly about to lose their shit at being under the massive dragonesses gaze.

“Centaur, it appears you have some kind of vermin upon your back.”

“Wh-what? Were not vermin!” shouted Kayla before she could stop herself. She slapped a hand over her mouth realising she had spoken aloud.

The dragoness squinted down at them. “Ah so they are sapient, what a tiny species, I wonder if they are as short lived as they are small, such strange things number amongst the short lifers, they seem closer to rodents or mice at times. In any case-”

“G-give me one of your scales and I’ll show you who's small you over grown liz-!” Yelled Lily before Kayla dragged her back and slapped hand over her mouth, still with one hand over her own.

“P-please don't antagonise the gigantic dragon girls,” said Fey looking behind her. She turned back to the dragoness who was furrowing her brow at the two quivering otterkins. “Uhm, I’m not sure what you mean, do you want me for something?”

The dragoness returned her attention to Fey. “Perhaps it is just your natural scent, strange, but plausible I suppose. What are you doing in my city?”

“I-I'm part of an adventuring band.”

“Adventurers? Mess causing braggarts who cause a damnable amount of trouble. Good recruiting for my legion’s ranks however. What is it that you do? Lancer? Warrior?”

“Erm, I'm a healer…”

“A healer? With a body of that size? My gods What a waste!”

“I- I'm quite good at it!”

“It's true she's a brilliant healer!” yelled Kayla before slapping her hand back across her mouth.

The dragoness studied her. “Well I suppose healers are rare enough, and your mobility would be quite useful in a battlefield situation. Curious.”

“It-it's just who I am, I love helping people!”

“Hmph you do lack the realism of a centurion but that's something we could perhaps stamp out of you with enough gruelling training. A year in the field, slogging through fight after fight and you’ll soon put aside that silly fluffy naive optimism.”

Fey did not like the direction this conversation was going, she got the strong impression that she was in danger of being drafted against her will and put to work as some kind of healer warrior for this dragoness. Dragons weren't exactly known for not getting what they wanted, when a dragon wanted something to happen that something had a habit of happening more often than not. She needed to get out of this conversation, and fast.

Rina suddenly waved her tail at the dragoness. “Uhm Lady Alexandria, as much as it would benefit the noble city of Bine to see my wonderful friend Fey here added to its legions, I really would prefer it if that did not come to pass.”

Lady Alexandria glanced at Rina, then again. “Oh. It's you. oOne of those conniving merchants. You and your lot seem to have a claw in every pie these days.”

“Yes, ahem, well we do bring rather a lot of wealth to the city my Lady, it is in Bine’s best interest to build strong healthy relations with the merchant body.”

“Leeches the lot of you, leeching of dragon’s power and leadership.”

“Would a leech really bring all the lovely gold and jewels to the city that you have come into possession of as of late my Lady?”

The dragoness seemed to pause at this, a look of annoyance crossing her face because what the lamia said had the unfortunate taint of truth.

“Fine, more like snivelling kobolds. You have as much lust for gold as the little folk do in any case.”

It was Fey's turn to elbow Rina in the side as the lamia opened her mouth to retort. She glanced at Fey and slowly closed it.

“I-I really must be going your Ladyship, lots of adventurey things to do, I’ll try not to get into too much trouble while I am in your city.” said Fey, trying her best to graciously exit as soon as possible.

The dragoness cleaned one of her claws with another claw as Fey spoke.

“Yes yes, if you must. Although,” she glanced at Fey once more and this time her hips shifted ever so slightly. “When you have free time I command you to come to the palace, I wish to investigate this natural smell of yours in greater detail. It is of a certain interest to me, the longer I scent it the more interesting it becomes.”

“Y-yes! Of course!” said Fey. Secretly promising herself to avoid the palace and the dragonesses clutches at all costs.

Lady Alexandria flicked the last of the dirt from her claw and turned to move on, the legion she was marching with pulling itself together and beginning its parade march once more, hooves and boots striking up a marching beat.

Fey watched the dragoness as she strode down the street, her long violet and cream tail swaying behind her, knocking over a few unfortunate passersby, and a horse. The dragoness didn't seem to notice.

“That one's trouble, a real warhawk. It's a pity really, Bine never got into military trouble before Queen Excalivania assigned that firebrand to the city. Now it's wars this and battles that. She's never happy unless the legion is off marching and invading somewhere, or putting down some upstarts or monster problem or whatever.”

“Is it that bad?”

“Well, no, I'm exaggerating a touch, she isn't that bad, and she has made the economy much more open, the previous dragoness hoarded everything she could get her grubby claws on, as dragons have a habit of doing. Not good for the economy as you can imagine, it's taken a monumental effort from the merchant factions to start easing things and opening things up let me tell you. That's part of my job here, to ensure things actually stay open.”

“It is?”

“Of course, I can't be a wealthy and successful merchant if things are all closed up and the dragons are seizing everything not nailed down. Merchants suffer the most living under the claws of the dragons, we can’t trade if we keep getting robbed!”

“That's true- I sort of suppose?”

“Mhmm! Merchants are a repressed people! and I’m sure I could bore you to tears with our grievances but for now I believe we are going to have to part ways, that is unless you want to help my caravan unpack our stock in the warehouse districts?”

“Aheh, thank you but I think I'll pass, it has been a long trip.”

“Fair enough. Anyway here take this.”

She handed Fey a small white card and Fey took it. She peered at it. It had the address of a place in Bine scribbled upon it.

“It's a place to stay for free Fey, your band is obviously hurting a bit financially, I'm not stupid, I recognise the signs, your band captain gave me some fairly exceptional prices for the skill level of your band’s members. I hadn't felt that safe on a trip in a long time, it was a shame that nothing actually dangerous showed up, I would have liked to see your captain go toe to toe against a frost wyvern.”

“Uh right, Ella is rather strong, elves and being long lived kinda gives some advantages.”

“True.” The lamia turned distractedly, a small Pobo drawn cart was passing them by which contained a still very large and cum filled Zal, although most of her rounded belly was covered with blankets just leaving her body visible at the top. The labrador dogkin seemed to be having some difficulty getting through the crowd and was shaking her fist in anger.

“I’ll see you around Fey, maybe sooner than you think.” The lamia winked at Fey and then quickly slithered off to help Zal leaving Fey with the otterkin girls.

“She was nice,” said Kayla.

“I love her,” said Lily, “she helped get me my Class, she's awesome.”

“I’ll admit I have to agree to that, she's awesome on the outside… and the inside.”

Fey turned hearing a voice and found Flora floating beside Vivi, the both of them looking heavily pregnant, although Fey now knew that Flora’s was an actual pregnancy whereas Vivi’s was just a cum pregnancy. Flora looked increasingly healthy, as well as increasingly milky too. She had taken to putting crosses of tape over her nipples to try and stem the constant leaking, which had worked, except her breasts were slowly becoming larger as the milk built up inside.

Vivi, on the other hand, had appeared increasingly shifty and guilty looking as of late, in fact she seemed to be avoiding Ellaria altogether, she had yet to see the fox girl in proximity to the elf. Fey knew something was up, she just did, judging by the way the otterkin girls and Vivi kept giving each other really incompetently hidden knowing nods and looks suggested the twins were involved somehow.

“What's the card thing?” said Flora gesturing at the card Fey was holding. She blinked and glanced down at it having forgotten she was holding onto it. “Oh, this is an address, Rina gave it to me, she said we can stay there for free…”

“Huh, really? Guess we made a good impression.”

“Bit more than an impression, you were inside of her for days Flo,” said Vivi

“Hey it was cozy okay, and screw you, you were in me for a bit, your face anyways.”

Ellaria suddenly appeared by Flora’s side, completing the band, all members together once more. Vivi drew back seeing Ellaria and tried to make herself look innocent. She was not very good at it.

“Cut the arguing you too, and good going Fey, if we're not paying for expensive rooms at an inn that caters for adventurers or centaurs then that's more money we can put toward seeing this Arch-Soulomancer. Now let's get going, come on, no dawdling.”

Fey handed over the card to Ellaria and the elf led the way through the crowd with the rest of the band in tow, Vivi bringing up the rear.

They made their way through the streets of the city, passing by a vast variety of peoples, species, and races. Minotaurs lumbered past, as well as more lamia, catkins, lupine (who often had moments of confusion in passing Fey), strange many eyed beholders, (whose eyes seemed to have a habit of converging on Fey's lower parts), dogkins, humans, and even the occasional elf. This all in this one small part of the city, Bine was truly a megalopolis that attracted peoples from across the lands. Dragon dominion whilst having its downsides also had the upside of safety and stability and that attracted people like nothing else, a place for civilization to thrive unfettered.

The buildings around them quickly became more upscale and ornate, and the area became less trafficked as they exited the commercial districts and entered the housing districts. The band slowed their pace as the address they were after led them into a part of the city where the houses were more like mansions than anything, and they looked around wide eyed at the gated homes.

“Er, you sure this isn't a prank?”

“I don't think so, maybe Rina wrote down the wrong address? This doesn't seem like the sort of place to board adventurers, or anyone really.”

They came to a halt outside one of the larger more impressive mansions, its heavy gates capped in gold.

“This is the place, so we just uh, go… in?” said Vivi.

The vulpine stared blankly at the gates with her hands on her hips.

“Uhm, I think you need to open it.”

“Right… where's the handle thought?”

As she finished speaking the gates suddenly creaked and with a squeaking sound they swung wide of their own volition forcing Vivi to back up.

“Oh, magic. Right. I forgot we were back in a city where they have more of the damned stuff than they know what to do with.”

The otterkins stared at the extravagance. Using an expensive enchantment just for opening a gate? Madness.

The band moved inside to a tree lined carriageway, artfully crafted bushes lining the road up to the grand mansion. They walked toward their supposed accommodation, or in Fey's case trotted, and Flora’s floated, until they came to the main circular front drive, a huge pair of double doors made from dark wood and fringed in more gold centered at the front of the building. The band stared at it wondering what to do next.

After a moment of nothing happening Flora rolled her eyes.

“Gods it's like being out with a bunch of idiot hicks from the countryside,” the gnome zipped forward and rapped her knuckles on the front door.

Nothing happened.

“Uh, maybe there’s no one in? Or the enchantment broke?”

“Or maybe they’re being rude, I know the type, rich snooty bastards. “

“Your fists are too puny is the problem,” said Vivi, watch, I can do it properly, as a warrior.

Vivi stepped forward, cracked her paws and then rapped hard on the door, significantly louder than Flora, using her Skill based strength. The knock was so loud it quieted the birds singing in the nearby ornate trees.

After a moment a distant voice could be heard from the interior.

“Fuck off!”

“Did you hear that? I think someone just told us to fuck off.”

“Bastards! They’re all the same, rich assholes living in their golden ivory towers looking down on the rest of us, I bet it's an elf in there, elfs are all like that.”

“Really Flora? I’m right here you know.”

“Present company excluded, obviously, you're alright for an elf Ell,” said Flora curling her fist.

“Thanks, I guess- hey wait! Stop Flora!”

Too late, the gnome magically grabbed hold of a nearby aesthetic boulder set out as part of the gardens and ripped it into the air flicking mud across the drive. She whipped it around and flung it at the front doors.


The doors shuddered on their hinges and the noise was so loud that the echoing sound from within reverberated all the way outside. Dust trickled from the walls as the impact shock went through the whole mansion.

“Oh my gods Flora!”

“He,y they're rich, they can afford to fix shit, don't get your panties in a twist.”

“They're rich, and likely powerful too, meaning they can make our lives a pain while in the city! I swear to gods I’m going to tie you to a chair and give an eighteen hour long elven style marathon lecture on manners and politeness one of these days. I’ll reform you into unrecognizability, as only a teacher can.”

Flora blinked and turned to stare at Ellaria.

“Er, you aren't actually serious about that are you? Eighteen hours? What the fu-”

The door suddenly yanked open and an angry face appeared, glaring at the band.

To Fey's surprise the face was quite young, teenage looking, on the older side, her body lithe and slim. Her hair was long and blonde and highlighted, her head capped with a pair of rounded fluffy ears, black and orange, tiger ears. A short crop top barely contained her chest, and a short flitty skirt hung off her hips which showed off a large band of thigh, she wore a pair of black cat stockings which her soft thighs muffin topped over. Fey caught a flash of orange behind her as the teenager’s fluffy tiger tail flicked by, waving irritably. She was a tigerkin.

The tigerkin had a stick in her mouth which she promptly grabbed and pulled free proving it to be a large disc shaped lollipop.

“Who the fuck are you people and why the hell did you just to do to our doors?”

Ellaria stepped forward. “Hello and good day, we were told that there was a place to stay for adventurers here.”

The girl stared at her blankly, then her lip twitched and formed into a smirk. “Y-you can't be serious? Did you actually think? Yikes. That's pretty sad elfy.”

Ellaria’s expression soured a bit, the sheer brattiness of the girl pulling at her memories of her days being a lecturer and teacher.

“I don't take kindly to being talked to that way, girl. I suggest you keep that tongue of yours in check before I force a brick of soap down your throat.”

The girl squinted at Ellaria. “You give off weird vibes elfy, like someone mixed a fashionista with one of the strictest lecturers at school.”

“Holy shit that's so accurate,” muttered Flora under her breath.

Ellaria’s annoyance ticked up a notch.

“Is this what the people around here take for nobility? A snotty upstart brat who has zero understanding of how the real world works?”

The girl giggled, it was quite an annoying giggle and Fey got the impression that she had practised it repeatedly to be as obnoxious as possible.

“Nobility? What are you on about you silly idiot adventurer? I’m a merchant's daughter.”

“Oh. Ohhhh,” said Fey. “Do you know a pink haired and pink scaled lamia by any chance?”

The girl turned to Fey, her eyes flat and unimpressed, that is until she caught sight of the thing below Fey's barrel and then she nearly fell over having to grab hold of the door to keep herself up right. Her extremely cocksure confident demeanor suddenly punctured by Fey’s massive cock.

“Wha- what are you doing? With- with-”

“Never seen a penis in real life before huh?” Said Flora.

The girl shook her head without thinking then realised she had just admitted to being a virgin and scowled with irritation. “Of course I have you silly gnome, I've seen all the penises, that’s just an a-average one, I think, and I was just surprised is all, people don't normally h-have them out in the open you know.”

“I’m sure,” said Flora with so much sarcasm that it was surprising that a visible haze of sarcasm wasn’t wafting off her body.

The girl pouted. “Think what you like dumbass shorty.”

“Permission to launch the brat into the stratosphere captain,” said Flora

“Permission denied. Please, the lamia with pink hair and pink scales?”

The girl rolled her eyes. “That's my mother, duh.”

The band stared at her.

“I’m adopted, jeez what the hell are you even thinking right now, bunch of weirdos.”

“Rina is your mother?”

She nodded. “I suppose she sent you then. Lame. And I was planning on inviting some friends over, now I have to babysit your sorry asses.”

“… oh, so that's what she meant by seeing us later…” muttered Fey.

The girl glanced at her. “I wouldn't count on it, if she’s just come into the city she will be slithering her scales of all over setting up in the markets and then wining and dining and networking until she passes out in some manse or other. She's not a very good mother you know, but it's not like father is much better.”

It was Fey's chance to nearly fall over.

“Rina is married!?” she squeaked.

“Yeah, to a Human, that's why I'm adopted, they can't have kids. Why so surprised?”

“N-no reason!” said Fey hurriedly.

“Hmmmmmmm. In any case, I guess I can show you some rooms or whatever. That is probably what Mother wants me to do.” She glanced at Fey, down then back up, “You can call me Tami by the way.”

“Fey,” said Fey.

Tami stepped inside, pointedly ignoring the others. She sent another glance over her shoulder as she went at Fey. Noticing that Fey was looking in her direction she quickly snatched her gaze back.

The inside of the mansion was as ornate as the outside with marble flooring and large paintings and large cushy furniture that somehow managed to look simultaneously like the softest feathery things imaginable as well as sculpted marble perfection. The endless halls and rooms made it clear that it was a wonder that Tami had heard their knocking at all, but then perhaps it was magically enhanced and she had simply been trying to ignore it.

A tiny purple slime monster suddenly zoomed out of a hole low down in one of the walls and zipped around the band making soft squeaking noises. Vivi for her past nearly leapt into the air and quickly backed up against her wall, pressing her rear defensively against the marble as she drew her long sword and pointed it warily at the little thing.

“What are you doing? Have you never seen a slime cleaner before? Gods mother really does know how to pick them huh, what ass end of nowhere did she find you in?”

“Uhm I think that might be a traumatic reaction more than anything,” said Fey as the slime slid over her hooves cleaning up any dirt stuck to them. Fey hesitantly lifted each hoof letting it clean under them too.

“Y-you don't know- It’s causing- hnnggg!”gritted out Vivi. The tip of the longsword wavedered as it tracked the slime.

“Pull yourself together Vi it's just a slime monster, are you really going to call yourself an adventurer and a warrior when you’re afraid of a little slime?”

“It's not- oh fffuck, it’s- godsdammit! Okay fine I'm afraid of the slime, Flora made me not like shiny purple things or something! C-can we just move along!”

The tigerkin girl was already walking away, bored by Vivi’s standoff. Fey paused a moment looking at the defensive vulpine as the others followed. As she watched her rounded belly suddenly moved, a slight bump rolling across its surface as her shorts shifted as though something was moving beneath them,

What the hell was that? Fey blinked, unsure if she had just seen that or had mistaken it for just the vulpine’s shaking, and she was shaking, her knees turned inward slightly her thighs trembling.

“N-not now, p-please, s-stop,” whispered Vivi under her breath so quietly Fey could barely hear. After a moment the vupline’s trembling ceased and she rapidly returned to normal.

“Th-thank you Wummy,” said Vivi as she passed. She gave Fey a terribly guilty look and hurried after Tami and the others.

Fey watched her go. Could it be? No, no that wasn't possible, they would have noticed that right? Right?

Fey trotted after, wondering if she should push the matter.

As she was pondering, Tami came to halt outside a large door. She pulled the lollipop from her mouth once more and yawned, every iota of her body language suggesting that she was bored just by being in the band's presence. She was truly the embodiment of an annoying teenager.

“Here, a bedroom. Go on, pick one of you to take it.”

“I- I may as well,” said Fey stepping forward.

Tami abruptly held up a hand, “A-apart f-from you, uhm, this bedroom isn't big enough! Or something!”

“Er, really? Well I suppose I am kinda big.”

“Right! Exactly! So you get the special bedroom, the one for lamias.”

“Fine.” said Ellaria. “Vivi you take this one, you look like you need to get off your feet as soon as possible anyway, all that weight must be dragging on you.”

“I do? Uh, I mean of course, yeah!”

The tigerkin girl took them through various hallways splitting off Ellaria and Flora into separate rooms, the casualness of which she did so saying something about just how large and expansive this mansion was and how many spare rooms it had.

Fey, Tami, and the otterkin twins came to a stop. Tami looked up at Fey and then her gaze couldn't help but roll down the centaur’s body, it took Fey clearing her throat for her to get her attention.

“Uh yeah, h-here, this room here,” said the tigerkin distractedly.

She gestured to a door that appeared even amongst the grand mansion to be particularly impressive, a pair of solid gold leaf doors. Tami pushed at them and they practically floated open, clearly magically enchanted, and the room inside was revealed to Fey. It was a huge room with a massive bed in the center, a row of large windows running down one side. What was most eye catching though was the giant painting of a lamia above the bed, a pink haired and pink scaled lamia.

Fey furrowed her brow.

“Hey, is this Rina’s bedroom you’ve put me in?”

Not receiving a reply she turned to see the doors closing behind her, the tigerkin nowhere in sight, apparently having already moved on to find rooms for the otterkins.

With a sigh Fey began to get undressed. She had not only fucked the man of this house’s wife but she apparently was about to sleep in what was probably their marital bed. Well it hopefully wouldn't matter, and besides, it was not like she had actually fucked Rina, more like fucked Flora and Rina just happened to be there, that made it not count... Probably.

Tossing her clothing aside she climbed atop the lamia sized bed and was soon asleep.


Fey was dreaming. She was floating in the darkness, the vast endless darkness, bodiless, just an awareness in the void.

It was there again, that impossibly large mass, something so mind bogglingly vast that it outsized entire planets, a vastness that filled her sight from side to side. A thing of trillions, a thing that had gained an animalistic awareness simply by sheer dint of numbers being compressed together in one spot. The mindless impulse of the many joining together to make a mind of many, a monster, a beast of sheer quantity.

There was something common to all life, the greatest desire of all life forms, the purpose of their existance: to reproduce, to breed and fuck and create spawn, this thing was that desire multipled by an infiinity. For most life forms that desire was one aspect, for this raw virile masculine beast it was it’s singular overriding goal, to fuck as many children into as many fertile wombs as it possibly could, and the dominating implacable will behind that was beyond anything anyone had ever seen before.

It hungered. It wanted MORE.

Fey jerked awake with a gasp, moving her arms and legs frantically, panicyness filling her, what the hell was that? Wait why were her arms restricted? And her legs?

She blinked, clearing the fuzziness from her mind. She was in Rina’s bedroom, it was dark, hard to see, but she could tell she had been tied on her back, tied to the bed with an impressive amount of rope. Slowly becoming more oriented she realised that there was a weight on her. Looking down her body as her eyes adjusted to the darkness she realised that Tami was atop her and she was completely and entirely naked apart from her cat stockings, her pale skin just visible in the dark, her fluffy tiger tail lashing the air. She was letting out little whimpering sounds as she worked her bare pussy against the tip of Fey’s dick, smearing Fey's precum over her snatch and ass, the fluid rolling down her thighs in little rivulets to darket the fabric of her stockings.

What on earth was the teenager doing? Fey moved to try and sit up but found she couldn't even do that. Now she could see a little better she could see lines of rope criss crossing her body and the bed in knotted patterns in a way that was almost hard to believe that this girl had managed it alone. There was just so much rope!

“O-oh, y-you're awake?” Said Tami. She bit her lip and looked up at Fey. “I knew you would wake, at some point, that's why I had to tie you down, I didn't want you stopping me, the chance to end this itchy burning heat and lose my virginity on the largest best smelling most masculine dick I've ever heard of? I couldn't pass up the chance, my friends are going to be so insanely jealous, if only I could just get this thing to fit in me!”

Fey swallowed as she felt the girl’s lower lips smear apart on her broad head, her dripping pink labia quelching and sucking against the surface, her folds slipping sliding across the surfaces, her boiling hot insides touching up against her tip for a moment before becoming hidden by her muff once more. Her pussy was so petite that Fey could feel the girl’s tiny hard little clit dragging over her tip at the same time, the little nub being excessively stimulated by Fey's roughness causing the tigerkin to whimper with every motion.

“Tami, this isn’t a great idea, I'm- we’re in your parents bed for crying out loud!”

“I'm adopted, so it doesn't count for realsies, plus it's extra wicked, Mother won't know, she’s off somewhere doing merchant stuff, that leaves you all to little old me.” She grunted in frustration, “Now if I could only get a couple inches of you inside of me it would count as me losing my virginity, dam it, why'd I have to be so tight!”

“Uhm, I’m really not a normal size Tami, g-guys are usually way smaller than me, especially non-centaurs, like less than eight inches, didn't you know?

Tami paused. “Less than eight inches? but that's nothing! Not even my smallest dildo is that small! And all the guys in the books I read have way way bigger penises!”

Fey wondered just what the hell kind of books the tigerkin had been reading to get that idea.

“I think you might have gotten some weird impressions from lack of experience, I th-think you might be a little disappointed with most guys sizes…”

“Well That just makes this all the more important! I get to do it with a really special dick, special for my first, uhnff, time. “

She jerked her hips back as she spoke, crushing her puss down on the tip, desperately trying to get Fey inside her small virgin pussy. “Hnnn...” She groaned as she forced herself down. Then finding that she couldn't manage it she slumped forward on Fey's chest, breathing hard, her small mass dwarfed by Fey's horse body. The drip drip drip of the tigerkin’s fluids running down the flat of Fey’s cock head to fall to the barrel below the only sound apart from Tami’s heavy breathing.

“It’s too much for you Tami, you shouldn’t be having your first time with a centaur, and I’m huge even for a centaur, seriously, your leg is smaller than my size!”

Tami turned her head and glared up at Fey. “That just makes it better! Duh! Plus I get to tell Sarah and Ruby that I fucked a real life centaur, they'll be mad with jealousy, not even all the horses in their stables can beat that!”

She set her lips in a line and snapped her fingers. Fey blinked in surprise as a bundle of ropes suddenly came to life and snaked up onto the bed.

“You have a Class?”

“Yeah, Mother has like a billion classes in her stock, it was easy to sneak in and grab one for myself. She doesn't know so you gotta keep a secret okay?”

Fey watched in alarm as the ropes slithered around the girl’s limbs and then hauled back on her. She yelped as her rear slammed up against Fey's dick, and then stayed there, forcibly being pressured against it by the dragging ropes pulling and tugging at her.

“HNYAA!! F-fucck!! Go iiin! go in dam youuuuu!!”

Tami writhed and moaned as the pressure built and built and built against her little pussy, squeezing her labia down and slowly, agonizingly, stretching it wider and wider and wider, her hot pink insides touching more and more of Fey's cock, flashing glimpses of her inner folds as they peaked from her outer lips, along with half-blips of her tiny clit peaking free from its hood as the pressure became overwhelming. The pressure built until with a sudden violent lurch the edges of her teenage puss slipped over the rim, engulfing the head and the ropes that had been dragging hard against her found they had far less resistance and Tami was yanked down a full eight inches before she could release her Skill.

“Wh-what?” She said in confusion, looking down at her trim belly which was now bulging out obscenely, a rounded distention in her stomach larger than a cantaloupe. She hesitantly touched her fingers against it and then caressed it, exploring the shape Fey was forcing her body to make with round eyes. She traced up over the roundnes until her fingers found her straining deformed belly button wrapped over Fey’s mass. Then the reaction of her nerves, delayed by shock, hit her like a fucking brick to the face. Lighting exploded from the itchy warmth in her belly, her core, and shot through every part of her.

She slapped her hands down on Fey's barrel and rolled her head back, her eyes going skyward as her mouth stretched wide and a full throated scream ripped from her mouth. Her spine arched as fire lit up her nerves and her brain exploded with firecrackers, made ten times stronger by not having experienced anything even remotely like it before. A crackling orgasm that made her convulse, her pussy clamping down on its invader, spasming with as it desperates squeezed onto Fey, her clit pulsing and rapidly pushing in and out from its hood as her pussy went mad.

But of course the movement and pressure of her self stimulated her overtaxed nerves all the more and she instantly rolled into her second life changing orgasm. Fey's barrel quickly became awash with the girls squirting messy orgasm, clear fluid sprinkling from her tightly stretched cunt, leaking from around her thinned labia in little fits and starts, sputtering harder each time another orgasm crashed into her.

Fey looked down at the girl losing her mind in the tip of her dick. She only just entered her yet it was like she was having an orgasmic finale as strong as Fey's best. This girl was truly on an insane hair-trigger, her nerves having never been treated this way before, with such a colossal size inside of her.

Fey didn't think the girl had taken the idea seriously, such a large mass entering her tight virgin pussy, it was like instead of taking small incremental steps the girl had gone to the largest extreme first without first getting used to smaller sizes and the results were predictable, she was hopelessly overwhelmed.

“J-just calm down okay! Everything going to be fine!”

The girl continued mewling, her eyes darting everywhere in a panic, her hindbrain taking over as her mind was flooded with an ocean of pleasurable chemicals.

“I- I- wha- wha, hnnnn!” she gabbled, as she continued to lose control her faculties.

It was as Tami was coping with her state of cyclic non-stop orgasm that Fey heard something out of place. She turned her head in the direction the sound was coming from and to her surprise one of the windows slowly began to open, swinging wide into the night, then to her even greater surprise a large hulking figure appeared in the frame, a muscular mass that damn near filled it.

“Tami!” said Fey trying to get the tigerkin girls attention, but it was a pointless endeavour she was still a sloppy trembling mess unable to think coherently let alone say anything of use.

She turned back to the window and to her distress found the figure climbing through it, a great hulking minotaur with huge curling horns. The heavy hooves of the minotaur came down on the floor but made nearly no sound at all which was shocking as Fey well knew that hooves were not exactly ideal for stealth. Magic of some kind? This was a worrying development.

The minotaur glanced her way, his eyes widening slightly seeing what was happening on the bed before he recovered his composure. He had to move out of the way as a second equally large minotaur climbed through the window behind him. Fey was now looking at a pair of near seven foot tall minotaurs inside her bedroom, at night, when she might have been asleep. It wasn't hard to guess that they had ill intentions and that was confirmed when they both drew blades and advanced on the bed.

“Tami!” Cried Fey more urgently. This time she got through to the cumming tigerkin girl and she looked up even as she showered Fey's barrel with another sprinkle of her fluids.

“C-can't you see I’m having sex! The best s-sex ever!”

“We have company!”

She blinked then turned to see the two minotaurs who had come up to the bed and were now looming over it, their dark eyes looking down at them without even a flicker of mercy.

“Wha- who the hell are you people! What are you doing in my home!”

She tried to pull herself free from Fey's dick but her weak limbed attempts only resulted in her pussy clamping down all the harder. She was entirely trapped on Fey and could only let out a long mewl of frustration.

Fey could already see what was about to happen, the intruders were going to kill or harm her Tami! A deep primeval protective instinct took over. She was not about to let harm come to her brood mare. No. That was not going to happen.

The lead minotaur lifted his blade to slash down at Tami, his blade swinging-

Fey Moved.

She ripped through the ropes binding her like they weren't even there, an outsized strength making her ferociously strong, and she lunged forward grabbing for the minotaur’s arm even as she rolled from the bed.

Tami was still on her and she screamed and squirted as she was flipped around and dragged off the bed hanging from Fey's dick like an oversized condom, flailing about on the tip of Fey's throbbing bucking shaft.

Fey caught minotaur’s forearm and hauled down on it, using him to help haul herself upwards even as she applied so much pressure under her grip that the minotaur let out a grunt of pain and let drop the blade.

She spun around and kicked at the second minotaur, he dodged to the side, slipping past, incredibly quick for his size and in a flash the blade came up stabbed through into the side of Fey’s barrel, through her ribs. She let out a cry as the blade punched through, then she grit her teeth actual real fury flooding the normally placid centaur. She snarled and grabbed hold of the hand holding the blade in her side and squeezed. The minotaur bellowed as the bones in his hands crunched and shattered under Fey's impossibly strong grip and she forcefully ripped his hand away pulling the blade from her body in a sprinkle of blood.

Even as the weapon came free her body was already healing, the wound sealing up in seconds with a soft green glow, Fey barely had to think to make it happen.

She now had a minotaur, one in each hand, holding them with such a powerful grip that the pain was making it near impossible for them to fight back, barely keeping from crying out as their bones crushed and splintered to powder under her grip.

Yes, this was how it should be, pathetic betas, weak in the face of her superior power. She snarled again and hauled on the two minotaurs pulling them toward herself. She grabbed for their necks and wrapped her fingers around their throats, holding them fast, making it clear to them that she could crush their windpipes with her fingers alone.

She could already feel the drain on them happening, and why not? She had no real weapon and these two had tried to kill her. She should take everything they possessed and make it her own. The dark planet sized mass inside of her growled hungrily, the gravity well that the sheer size of the thing created drawing on the two minotaurs, sucking them dry, taking everything that made them male and strong and making it her own, making herself bigger, stronger, more Virile, a better breeder. She felt like a primordial stallion on some ancient primaeval plain, running free and wild.

She snarled, yes, this felt good, really really good. Her dick flexed beneath her as she started to grow larger, her cock along with her becoming thicker and longer.

Tami let out a long low moan below her, still hanging helplessly from her dick.

“Oh, oh shit! Are you getting bigger?!” she gasped.

Fey snorted, of course she was, and it felt fucking great. She arched her back as the pleasure of growth washed through her body. Her bones groaned as they lengthened, already the minotaur’s had lost half a foot of height each and were rapidly losing more.

The only thing that could make this better was if she had a broodmare to fuck full, to breed into oblivion. Fortunately, she just happened to have exactly that stretched over her cock.

She dragged the two minotaurs to the bed and jumped up her font hooves on top of it, thrusting her horse hips forward.

Tami let out a yelp as she was forced up against the wood of the bed frame and desperately grabbed for it, clutching herself to it. This of course allowed Fey what she wanted and she shoved her dick deeper into the teenager’s cunt, pushing out her belly bulge inches.

“Oh shiiiit!” wailed Tami as Fey's cock slammed up against the entrance to her womb.

“W-wait f-Fey! S-stop! I c-can't, I’m too small!”

“You will take all of me, you wanted this,” snarled Fey, viciously thrusting forward, sending inches more into the cumming squealing tigerkin girl.

She rutted her against the bed frame. Fucking her deeper and deeper with each thrust until Tami’s distended stomach was crashing up against the wooden frame that she was bent over.

Fey held the minotaurs closer as she drained them, syphoning them smaller and smaller down from seven foot to five as she got inches higher and her massive cock surged outward to three foot long, the veins along its length becoming thicker, scraping apart Tami’s insides, sending her into a screaming squirting spiralling mess.

Deeper and deeper into the tigerkin until her medial ring was slamming up against her fuck hole, brutally hammering at her reddened teenage cunt until with a roar Fey forced herself inside. Tami’s lips stretched wider than ever to take the thick medial ring, then slipping down inches and inches on the other side as Fey slammed home, at the exact same moment forcing her way through Tami’s cervix and deep into her womb, the double ring of her pussy and her cervix clamping down on Fey in quivering twin desperation.

“You’re mine, mine! mine to fill with my offspring, until your so pregnant you can't move, a unmovable useless thing who just gives birth to my children over and over and over, so lost in pleasure you care for nothing else in the world but to be fucked full of cum and birth more of mine.”

“Hnyyyaaaa! Y-yes! I want that p-please fuck me! Fuck me into the ground! Fill me with everything you’ve got! PLEASE!”

Fey snarled as the two minotaurs she held became smaller and smaller until they were rotund little things, only a foot tall, then as they shrank down even further not even that, tiny things the size of rats that fell from her hands as the built up growth she had taken ripped through her body and her eyes rolled up as her cock surged yet larger.

Her thrusting became arrhythmic and brutal, the belly bulge in Tam surging forward as she pushed ever deeper, shoving up between her breasts and rubbing across her face, turning her into a teenage cock sleeve, a condom for Fey's massiveness.


Tami screamed and buried her face in her bulge as Fey grew larger still, the larger than leg sized dick so overwhelming that she felt like nothing but a stretched out sleeve for Fey, permanently ruined for any other male. This was her first time having sex and she knew instinctively that she would never be able to do it to satisfaction with anyone else, no one could come close to Fey, she was already permanently addicted to the feeling of the centaur inside of her.

Fey roared as her growth finished and with one final thrust she hilted in Tami, her massive melon sized balls slapping against the teenage tigerkin’s soft thighs so hard that they left red marks, they stayed their only for a moment however before the pair hiked up brutally, forcing their vast contents out.

Fey’s cock thickened with the sheer quantity of cum exploding down her length, a firehose of heavy fluid that reached the tip of her dick buried deep inside Tami and burst free. A massive hosing rope of cum that sprayed up against her womb walls so hard that a bulge extended her belly all the further and her belly button popped from an innie to an outie.

Tami wailed out of control, her voice rising to a higher and higher pitch until she was screaming so hard her throat hurt, orgasming so hard that her first orgasm on Fey felt like a gentle walk in the park. Fireworks exploded up her spine, making her convulse, her head thrashing sending her blonde hair whipping harshly across her face as her insides were doused with boiling hot spunk that instantly forced her body into a state of hyper hormonalness, her eyes rolling up as her eggs were inseminated over and over, her belly bloating outward in cycles as each roping ejaculation exploded into her womb, filling her tummy larger and larger until it was pressing up against the bed frame and rapidly filling out any free space.

Fey mauled on her chest as she came, her fingers sinking deep into her soft breast flesh as her hips bucked harder against the teenager, savagely fucking her larger and larger, ballooning her womb with thick heavy baby batter.

And then Fey really started to cum.

The tigerkin howled as the ropes of cum became significantly thicker and heavier, her taut stretched belly a mass already seven times the weight of her own body bloated outward in a rush, her smooth rounded skin spilling out over the bed and the bed frame, touching down on the floor and lifting her own body up, until her face was pressing up to the inflating mass of her own belly, muffling her shrieking screams.

It just didn't stop, absorbing the two minotaurs seemed to have supercharged the centaur and her ejaculations were like an unending river forcing its way into the little teenager, making her body obscenely vast. Already her smooth cum belly was so large that it was starting to lift Fey off the ground, above the bed and toward the ceiling.

Fey’s desperate humps against the teenagers rear peaked and at last after what must have been the fiftieth massive roping surge she finished, the teenager’s belly rushed outward a full foot entirely covering the bed from sight and pushing Fey up against the ceiling which was impressive considering its height.

Fey slumped against her cum dump and promptly passed out.



I wake up every morning in a bed that's too small, drive my daughter to a school that's too expensive, and then I go to work to a job for which I get paid too little, but on Centaurus Day? Well, I like Centaurus Day.


I liked it more than the last one... though I am worried about Fey being a homewrecker for an *actual* happy couple eventually. And I wish she could learn to just leech the masculinity out of people instead of totally consuming them; I feel like genderbending would be a fix for many of her problems. Then again, the fact that her situation *is* a problem feels like an important part of the story too.


I wonder if Fey could eventually see her tip if she just looked down... Regular Horses are about 7-8 foot in length and her PP is now a bit over 3 foot. Maybe at chapter 50


It's not just her penises size increasing but also her whole body. So it would probably stay fairly proportional in comparison. Even if she's 2-3 times the size of a regular horse. Though it is a fun thought. Maybe.


This series has makes life better.


Finally Fey went beserk a little and grew.