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Thanks to everyone who commented on the last post! We're working on our next screenshot saturday right now, so I thought we could do something fun before I post that here:

First thing's first, would you guys like to see me post about lore and dev stuff here? I can write out some snippets and bits of development if you'd like. I am sure you've all seen how barrels used to be doors, and how our helicopter was an elevator for a while.

But trust me, I constantly do stuff like this in increasingly dumb and funny ways. I have a lot more stories to tell.

The above image is one of the earliest pieces of Peri concept art, made in mid 2020. Look familiar? Yeah! It's Marie's shoebox apartment! I feel nostalgic sometimes for this era, it was something somehow innocent. At the time me and shodanon had no idea how far we'd take the project.
Now I sit here, two years in, and thanks to all of you guys we're getting closer and closer to release.




Lore stuff is why I back something like peripeteia! 😁 would love to read more about it. But woudn't want it to take away from normal development. I can imagine that's a difficult line to balance.


I think it'll be fine, I like to write the stuff anyway and you guys deserve something for how much you've helped.