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Peripeteia Weapon Poll for October 2020: less-lethal grenade launcher

  • RWGŁ-1 5
  • Late production RWGŁ-1 11
  • RWGŁ-2 pistol 6
  • RWGŁ-3 6
  • 2020-10-19
  • 28 votes
{'title': 'Peripeteia Weapon Poll for October 2020: less-lethal grenade launcher', 'choices': [{'text': 'RWGŁ-1', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Late production RWGŁ-1', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'RWGŁ-2 pistol', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'RWGŁ-3', 'votes': 6}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 10, 19, 21, 48, 58, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 28}


In the world of Peripeteia, the Polish Solidarity Republic has introduced a doctrine prioritizing the use of non-lethan methods in law enforcement and encourages their deployment in military use as well. This is due to the years of soviet regime leading to many unlawful deaths and the former communist riot police (ZOMO) having a surplus of such weapons. It couldn't be used on the local population anymore, but would easily come in handy when reclaiming former 2nd Polish Republic lands and upholding the law there.

This of course is a great opportunity for immersive sim fans that prefer non-lethal playthroughs.

We'd like the game to include one of the polish-made less-lethal rifle grenade launchers. Their primary gameplay use would be launching sleeping gas by stealthy players, however additional ammo will also be available, including chaff grenades, smoke screens and net launchers (the SZO – 84, Siatkowy Zestaw Obezwładniający wz.84, shown below) for incapacitating your opponents.

Source: slupsk.szkolapolicji.gov.pl

We'd like our patrons to help us choose which model of these devices we should include in the game:

1. RWGŁ-1

Made in the 1960s, the Ręczna Wyrzutnia Granatów Łzawiących -1 is a heavily modified Mosin-Nagant rifle, inheriting its bolt action and five round magazine of blank 7.62×54mm ammo. The early versions of the launcher somewhat resemble the original mechanism, with a comfortable grip added at the front:

Pictures by Remov used with permission

2. Late production RWGŁ-1

The later, 1970s versions of this weapon sport an entirely different, machine milled frame with a folding grip:

RWGŁ-2 pistol

A 1970s experiment at using a flare gun (an unmodified Pistolet sygnałowy wz. 78 from Łucznik) as a grenade launching pistol. Its low fire rate (due to lack of a magazine) and extreme recoil made it unviable - however in our world it will be cyborgs wielding this thing. Perhaps it deserves a second chance?


Due to high production price of the RWGŁ-1 (costly milling) and after the failure of the RWGŁ-2, a new rifle grenade launcher was adopted by Milicja in 1978. It's a chonkier, non-autimatic cousin of the 7,62 mm kbk AKM, carrying 10 blank rounds that requires the user to manually cycle the gun due to the removal of the gas tube.

Source: edu.cossw.pl


Seth Taulbee

the smg at the bottom probably next in line i would say very fitting

Seth Taulbee

all very good choices this game is great ive played it for 6 minutes and i was sold , got ran over by a train and loved it