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Mesh: 100% new, all LODs
Textures: 100% new, HQ enabled

Note: Pasties found in Left Wrist opens




Your creations are amazing and beautiful! I love that you keep a lot of things free and that's part of the reason why I subbed. I love the style you use for your lingerie and clothing. Thank you!

Nerdy Nina

you wouldn't happen to have a Saloon girl outfit somewhere in here i missed would ? searching all the cc patreons i has for one.


Hello, no I don't currently have anything saloon themed, although that would make a fun theme for a month ahead :)

Nerdy Nina

yeah been struggling to find anything western , only found 1 saloon dress out of 5 cc patreons and cc sights , doesn't seem to be a theme with much clothing choice . Oh if you work on any Saloon stuff that would be grand <3 i love your work


I don't know if you've seen this one yet but, https://www.patreon.com/posts/manon-tavern-50389391

Nerdy Nina

Yeah that cc creator is actually trying to create a saloon girl dress , after I asked . With ruffles and such excited to see what they come up with