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Hello everyone!

March is fast approaching and two more creatures are set to join in on the Bestiary.

In a few days a new creature will step out from the wealdwoods, the timid and jaw-bladed frondilli. This skittish creature will provide a much requested craftable item from discord so I can't wait to show it off.  (feel free to join the discord group here > link)

And then on the 15th, a less timid creature will crawl from the slick stone rocks of the river beds or wet underbrush detritus to snatch unwary players in its pincer grip. 

So stay tuned while we finish off the last touches on these two and have a good week!



B Jenks

So excited for the Frondili release!! I'm so curious to see what item we can make ... Some epic axe or maybe a forest cloak? 🤔🧐🥳


Perhaps a little closer to the latter there for your guess. Perhapppppsss

Marc Huguet

I bet it could be a shield 🧐 althought the teeths on the jaws could be used as two twin blades 🤭


It wouldn't be the first bone blade used in a weapon here, I just love em :)