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Hey everyone,

Keith and I want to wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Festivus, or anything else you do or don't celebrate at this time of the year.  I also wanted to still share a little something I was able to get coloured up during my holidays break from the day job.

I want to take some time to say how amazing this journey has been and how much it's exploded in the last year, I'll save a lot of that talk for some New Year's message with a bit of future planning but it's just been incredible to see how alive the Discord group has been, that game's set on Sol'Kesh are going and how much that's fueled my motivation to build out the book.

In no particular order here I want to specifically thank, Bany, Delta2Squared, Jenks, Rose, hvyMtlwarrior, Piter Manuel, mancrab, ZhopaSlona, Otachi, Dino, Dupers, Pifii, Tyndall for just being so present and encouraging to the whole Sol'Kesh community, And of course IslandDude78$ for the daily music suggestions, may your vast range of music tastes never diminish! (and if I forgot anyone in particular my apologies there's a lot!)

But mostly I want to thank Keith (Worldshaper) for not only being such an incredible talent, but an active, helpful person in Discord and someone that really cares about building out a world of creatures. So damn happy you're part of this man.

It's just been wonderful chatting with you all daily and I hope you all find some time to rest and enjoy the day today.



B Jenks

Happy Holidays Terry and Keith! Thank you for allowing us to accompany you on this amazing journey 🥳 Wishing you both, as well as all of the Sol'Kesh community warm and comforting days filled with memorable moments! 💜🎉