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Happy Wayward Wednesday everyone!

So Patreon set up this new "free" feature and now we have a lot of new people that came in which is awesome, so to all you new free people, welcome!

You may not have access to all tier content, but I do want to provide some free content to welcome you in, I'll be doing a big post about it later but for now, if you haven't already grabbed the free package you can find it here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ihim11xp9bjjrjsyk636r/SolKesh_Intro.pdf?rlkey=qzqlqw3lfwo51hlvd4rqvgao3&dl=0

And I'll open these Wayward Posts up to the public so you can all enjoy the weekly art about plants and animals, and today which was not planned but quite fitting... I plant that lures in unsuspecting prey :)

Thanks to everyone that joined and I'm happy to share Sol'Kesh with you all!



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