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Thanks to everyone who voted in last month's creature-release-poll, the Fennfistle stalks in from the marshes from the winning tie. This egg-stealing raptor-like amphibian is a terror in the wetlands of Sol'Kesh, whipping its long tail back and forth before gulping down prey into its toothy gular. And that gular comes in handy as this month's second craftable item, making it into a playable drum that beats the chaotic sounds of the marshlands.

This month's release will get Patreon's will get access to:

Traveler Tier

  • All previously released 5e Creature Stat Blocks & TTRPG Tokens
  • All previously released Craftable Item Cards
  • Fennfistle & Gorr D&D 5e Creature Block
  • Fennfistle & Gorr High Res Journal Entry, Illustration and Map
  • Croak Stool Drum & Voltscale Vest Item Card
  • Sol’Kesh High Res Area Map
  • Exclusive Wayward Sketches
  • Access to the Discord Channel

Dweller Tier

  • Everything from the Traveler Tier
  • 1 day delay -- Fennfistle Mini Supported & Unsupported STL
  • 1 day delay -- Fennfistle Base Supported & Unsupported STL
  • Gorr Mini Supported & Unsupported STL
  • Gorr Base Supported & Unsupported STL

Thanks to everyone for being part of this, your support is amazing motivation to keep the creatures coming :)



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