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Happy Wayward Wednesday everyone!

Babies. They're often cute, the solmundis baby is certainly cute, if you disregard the prehensile bladed tongue sticking out of its face. But that's the charm of Sol'Kesh I suppose, there's always something sharp and deadly.

So I'm thinking of creating some statblocks for babies as an additional feature for the Kickstarter, especially for the creatures that have eggs as a harvestable from their stat page. I originally had some stats from one our rules designers, but after considering how the Astral Adventures game is basically monster-breeding at this point, I think a lot of players would want to raise some Sol'Keshian monsters of their own.

Also for those who don't recognize the baby's origins, here's the adults journal entry.

You can find the high resolution wayward sketches here:

Anyway that's all for now, have a great rest of the week everyone!



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