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Hey everyone!

The great big Worlds Collide Collab is back with a second entry. This time from the very talented Edwin's Atelier Patreon creating a CR 1/2 DnD 5e fish to live within the Feywild woods map created by Stained Karbon

That's two down and three to go!

The Fluffy Folio (done!)


Rudok's Tavern

Edwin Loup (done!)

and Sol'Kesh (we'll have our fish on the 15th!)


Edwin Loup's fish is a rather dangerous sort, ready to teleport from pool to pool in the deeply magical realm of the Fey. I highly recommend everyone to go check out their Patreon too and get access to an incredible assortment of gaming goodies >


Like the last entry, I added the fish and map into the collaboration folders in dropbox

Traveler and Dweller Tier members can find all the goodies here: LINK

Enjoy and see you all in 3 days for the Ruske launch!



B Jenks

Heck yeah teleporting Feywild goodness!! 🥳🎉💜