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I'm beginning to realize that the Sol'Kesh bestiary has quite a lot that crawls. I'm not saying that it's a bad thing, or that It'll stop anytime soon...just that there are a lot.

So allow the icullus to crawl into your hear with its release today! This beasts resides in the Blackwells biome (caves) and spends its time prying creatures off of ceilings and walls with its long toxin-laden pincers.

Now while this not-slug is all well and good, what's best about this release is the item made with its craftable parts and the Daellash, the Tide's Breath that allows for a few underwater breathing abilities.

Come and check out the files here:

Traveler Tier

  • All previously released 5e Creature Stat Blocks & TTRPG Tokens
  • All previously released Craftable Item Cards
  • Icullus D&D 5e Creature Block
  • Icullus High Res Journal Entry, Illustration and Map
  • Tide's Breath Item Card
  • Sol’Kesh High Res Area Map
  • Exclusive Wayward Sketches

Dweller Tier

  • Everything from the Traveler Tier
  • Icullus Mini Supported & Unsupported STL (STLs will be in shortly)

Thanks for being here everyone, and if you haven't joined already, come on by in the Discord group and say hi!  https://discord.gg/nRqseRrbSQ



B Jenks

Dope names, both for the creature and item! Impressed all the way around! 💜