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Sorry I'm late with this, everyone-- things in the real world aren't getting any easier, and I just don't have that much time to spend time online anymore. But I'm trying my best to get stuff done and stay on schedule. If you're still enjoying the story, please consider leaving a like and a comment below, I really appreciate it. Thanks for sticking with me.

“Oh dear,” Nurse Ginger chuckled, poorly concealing her excitement. “I see someone else failed Dr. Waxler’s panty inspection tonight! You girls do have a problem keeping your little butts clean, don’t you?”

The words made poor Brandi blush and shift uncomfortably. Ginger just laughed.

“Well, come on in,” Nurse Ginger said, taking Brandi by the hand and leading her into the room. “Let’s go, honey. You wait right here: Nurse Ginger’ll whip up one of her special enema’s just for you!”

As Brandi stood by, awkwardly trying to cover her nudity, Ginger sashayed off the prepare another hot soapy enema. From the table, Maya looked up, tube protruding from between her round, womanly buttocks, the enema only half empty, and tried to smile comfortingly.

“Y-y you too, huh?” she said, forcing a chuckle. Brandi tried to smile back, but she was pale and teary, her butt still stinging and pink behind her after Dr. Waxler’s spanking.

“OK, honey,” Nurse Ginger said once the enema had been set up, “let’s get you up on the table, bare butt stuck up in the air for me.”

Brandi reluctantly complied, taking a place next to Maya in the same position... head down, smooth bare ass upturned in the air behind her. The sexy blonde bit her lip and gripped the table as the nurse first greased up her anus, then unceremoniously slid the nozzle easily up her ass. With a click, she opened up the clamp, and Brandi let out a trembling sob as the water began flowing into her colon at a rapid clip.

Sensing her friend’s distress, Maya reached over and took Brandi’s hand tenderly. They locked eyes, sharing a sweet moment as they tried to comfort each other, even as they winced and blushed, their butts slowly filling with warm water.

Meanwhile, poor Andie was plopping and farting away on the toilet grunting as her guts cramped up  and forced out another noisy eruption, usually followed by and anguished, but relieved, sigh. She tapped her feet on the floor urgently, preying for the nightmare to be over.

Through it all, Bella watched from the crib, unconsciously sucking her soother. The scene before her was undeniably depraved, and she knew she should be disgusted, even horrified... Yet she couldn’t help herself from reaching down and rubbing herself through the front of her pampers, her pussy growing wetter by the second.

Standing in the center of the room, Nurse Ginger let her eyes roam, drinking in the tableaux of extreme humiliation she’d created around her. Walking around the back of the table, she watched Maya and Brandi’s wiggling butts struggling to take their enema’s, and she reached out to stroke their buns softly, smirking when their flesh shivered and broke out into goose pimples.

Soon, Maya had finished her enema. The Nurse popped the tube out of her butt and helped her to the far side of the room, gently lowering her bottom onto the potty next to Andie.

“OK, honey,” Ginger instructed, her eyes glistening brightly, “let it out for nursey!”

Maya complied immediately, unclenching her anus and erupting into the bowl below.

“UUUUhhhhh!” She cried, unleashing a ghastly farting sound that was amplified by the bowl below. A sudden gush of liquid and semi-solid poop erupted from her, hitting the potty beneath her with a noisy splatter.

Dazed, she gazed across the room, her eyes meeting Brandi’s. The pretty blonde with the nozzle protruding from between her soft, round buttocks, still managed to give her friend a comforting smile. Maya responded by grunting out another round of flatulent diarrhea, amplified by the plastic bowl and echoing around the room.

This went on for a few minutes. Finally, Brandi had finished her enema, and Nurse Ginger eagerly helped her across the room and onto the potty next to Maya. Seconds later, her rump erupted noisily, and she joined Maya and Andie in relieving herself noisily on the potty, adding her own grunts, sighs, and flatulent explosions to the course. In the crib, Bella watched silently, eyes round and unblinking, her diaper crinkling as she rubbed herself through the front..

Nurse Ginger found herself a nice spot to sit back and watch. While Bella gazed on from the crib, sucking her pacifier and rubbing her throbbing pussy through the front of her diaper, Brandi, Maya, and Andie created an apocalyptic symphony of farts, plops, splats, splashes and moans on their potties, their bowels getting thoroughly cleaned out by Nurse Ginger’s special enemas.

This went on for several minutes, each of the young women sweating and groaning, shivering and shaking as they uncontrollably voided into the adult sized potties. In the midst of it all, Brandi reached over and took Maya’s hand once more, trying to reassure her. Ginger grinned, watching her handiwork, enjoying each nasty fart and gooey spatter.

I love this job, she thought to herself, just barely resisting the urge to imitate Bella and start playing with herself. There were few things she enjoyed more that watching a gorgeous young woman in the throws of intestinal distress, and she smirked at Bella, knowing that her ordeal was far from over, knowing that Bella-- and the rest-- would soon be soiling their adult sized pampers involuntarily for the rest of the night... and knowing that it would be her they would have to beg to change their messy little bottoms, something Ginger was greatly looking forward to.

Finally, Andie sputtered to a finish... at least for the moment. Nurse Ginger was soon wiping her butt clean for her, then helping her up onto the changing table. Like Bella, Andie soon found herself diapered efficiently, dressed in a onesie with her hair up in pigtails, and found herself in the crib with Bella.

“Now you two girls get to sleep, and no funny business,” Nurse Ginger said with a wink. She had coated the nipple of the pacifiers in a potent aphrodisiac, and knew that it was only a matter of time before the girl’s libidos were raging out of control. She could only imagine the effect it would have on them-- especially once the enemas had kicked in again.

Maya and Brandi were next, and soon they were clean, diapered and dressed for bed. The nurse ushered them into the same crib, and they blushed, realizing that there was very limited space, and they would likely have to cuddle together during the night if they were going to be comfortable.

With the girls secure in their cribs, Nurse Ginger turned out the lights and went to her office to watch the fireworks on the night-vision cameras she’s had installed through her examination room.

“Nighty night, brats!” she said, locking the door behind her.

Maya tried to sleep, but about 20 minutes later, she felt her bowels acting up again. Sobbing pitifully, she made a valiant attempt at holding it in before releasing a noisy, shameful eruption that Brandi obviously heard. Maya blubbered, feeling her diaper fill with a torrent of loud, gooey diarrhea.

She was surprised when Brandi leaned in and kissed her face tenderly, pulling her in close for a cuddle. Maya responded eagerly, and a few minutes later, when Brandi had a messy accident of her own, the two laid there for nearly an hour, cuddling, kissing, crying, and eventually, fondling each other. They made out and rubbed each other to hot (and shameful) orgasms in their filthy diapers before eventually falling asleep in one another’s arms.


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