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I want to apologize once again for taking so long with this. A member of my family was recently laid off and we've been trying to assist him as best we can, and I just couldn't find the time to go through these for errors. I hope we're back on schedule now. I want to thank all of you who stuck with me. There will be two updates next week, and I'm working on something a little fun for the $8 tire to compensate for blowing my deadline next month (on top of the missing chapter of doubling down, as well.)

While Dr. Waxler was conducting her experiment on Baby Holly, Headmistress Elle Hunter was having a little fun of her own. Striding gracefully across the school grounds on thewarm spring day, she was flanked by a group of six of her ‘special students,’ who waddled after her eagerly, their diapered bottoms crinkling beneath their skirts as they trailed after her. Elle smirked, feeling their eyes on her as they followed at her heelslike adoring puppies-- adorable, empty headed, and, of course, not house trained.

In front of her, Candy the hitchhiker, now thoroughly regressed to the level of a two year old, happily slurpedon a pacifier as she trotted unsteadily in her pink and white onsie, her long blonde hair banded up in pigtails. Aleather harness was affixed around her torso, with a leash that was grasped firmly in Ms. Hunter’s hand. The Headmistress’ ‘special needs daughter’ had become a regular fixture around campus, almost always attached to Ms. Hunter by her leash. The sight of the drooling Adult Baby, always diapered and wearing the most babyish outfits possible, was usually met with blushes and averted eyes from the students, as thoughthey sensed they could share her fate if they didn’t watch their step.

“Come along, girls,” Ellesaid briskly, her high heels clacking aggressively on the pavement as she went, leading her pampered entourage across the lawnto a nice, shaded spot beneath a tall tree. After spreading out a blanket, Ms. Hunter lowered herself into a sitting position with her back against the trunk.

“That’s it darlings,” she said, coaxing the girls down to the ground, “snuggle in close... Mommy is going to tell you all a little story.”

Candy plopped down on her plushly padded bottom right next to her, reclining to lay her head in the headmistress’ lap, purring submissively when Ms. Hunter stroked her long blonde hair softly. The other girls crowded in, snuggling together to fit onto the blanket, the smell of each other’s freshly powered and oiled bottoms teasing their noses.

The last couple of straggling diapered Adult Schoolgirls weren’t lucky enough to get in on the group cuddle, instead having to content themselves to stretch out on their tummies at Elle’sfeet and gaze up at her like adoring pets, diapers crinkling softly beneath their skirts.

Ms. Hunter gazed out at them, her little diaper girl fan club, savouring their devotion before she began:

“Once upon a time, in a far away land, there lived a beautiful queen, who was kind andfair and wise, and she was beloved by almosteveryone in her kingdom.

“You see, this kingdom had a problem with their young women,” Elle explained, looking into the faces of her audience as she went on, noting the expressions on their faces as she spoke. “A pack of naughty, unruly little tramps that just wanted to laze around all day and satisfytheir slutty desires all night! Their poor mommies and daddies were at their wit’s end!”

In their plush diapers, her captive audience shifted nervously, blushing, most of them quickly realizing that this story seemed to have at least a small dose of reality. Their hearts beating faster, they leaned in close to listen.

“All the mommies and all the daddies in the kingdom hadpetitioned the beautiful Queen, begging her to help. And it pained the Beautiful Queen to see her subjects suffering so... and so she vowed to do whatever it took to get the unrulydaughters of the kingdom back under control again.”

The diapered students cuddled in close to each other, a couple of them unconsciously popping thumbs into their mouths, listening intently.

“So the Beautiful Queen sought the advice of a Wise Old Witch, to see what they should do about the spoiled little whores bringing shame to the kingdom. ‘I need something to put them back in their places!’ the Beautiful Queen explained to the Wise Old Witch.

“The Wise Old Witch cackled, running her hand through her flowing black hair. A kinky old skank herself, the witch was all too happy to aid the Beautiful Queen. ‘It’s simplicity itself,’ the old hag giggled. ‘We’ll put them back in their place, all right! Back in diapers! If these little lovelies bring shame to their parents, we’ll just have to return the favour! They won’t be able to do mush whoring when they’re back in the crib, sucking their thumbs in pissy wet diapers!’”

The students listened intently, getting excited, their pussies getting moist and steamy in their diapers as they listened to Ms. Hunter’s fairy tale, easily picturing themselves as those unsuspecting, fun loving girls who were about to be put in their places... and each and every one of them were practically salivatingin anticipation.

“The Wise Old Witch cooked up her spell, but the Beautiful Queen insisted they test it on someone first... namely, her own bratty daughter!”

At this, Candy let out a nervous giggle. Her foggy, regressed mind wasn’t fully grasping the Headmistress’ story, but she did understand when she was being talked about. The gorgeous blonde, after months of living as a mentally regressed sex toy, could only vaguely remember who she was before her transformation, and thinking about her fall from adulthood never failed to give her a funny tickle inside her diaper.

The other students leaned in close, none of them wanting to miss a word, squirming on their pampered bottoms and sucking their thumbs urgently.

“The Wise Old Witch cast her spell. The Beautiful Queen watched, amazed, as her pretty young daughterpooped her pants, right there on the spot!”

This brought a round of laughter from the students, with a couple of them even making farting noises with their mouths for emphasis. Candy let out a squeak and buried her face in Elle’s lap, blushing in ticklish, girly embarrassment. Being the center of attention like this made her cheeks red and her pussy moist.

The Headmistress pressed on with her story: “The Wise Old Witch continued to weave her magic. The Beautiful Queen watched with great amusement as her naughty daughter was transformed into a thumb sucking Adult Baby with a very full diaper!”

Headmistress Hunter smiled as her captive audience ‘ooh’ed’ and ‘aahhh’ed’ appreciatively, giggling and simpering amongthemselves. Sucking their thumbs and squirming their crinkly, diapered butts, they listened intently as the headmistress continued.

“The Naughty Princess had been transformed, still a beautiful young woman, but possessing the mental and physical capabilities of a two year old. Just one look into her pretty, vacant face, the Beautiful Queen knew that her daughter would never grow up again... it was obvious that she’d finally fulfilled her destiny as a drooling, oversized toddler in a very full diaper!”

Laying with her head in “mommy’s” lap, Candy squirmed, her embarrassment reaching it’s delicious peak. She frowned, a mysterious grumbling emerging from her tummy. Too late, the blonde Adult Baby bimbo realized that the embarrassment had stimulated her bowels, and in her addled state, by the time she realized she had to defecate she was usuallyonly seconds away from dumping a major load into her pampers.

Her heart lept, and she made an effort at tightening up her rump, not wanting to embarrass herself in front of Mommy and the other girls. A noisy, bubbly, multi-toned fart made a mockery of those efforts, rumbling the seat of her diaper and drawing the attention of the gathered students.

“EEWWWW!” they teased in unison, looking at the big baby girl and smirking knowingly, pinching their dainty noses and fanning their faces.

“Oh dear,” Ms. Hunter said, a superior smirk playing about her sexy red lips. She chuckled indulgently when Candy tooted again, pressing her face in the headmistress’ lap as she felt her anus beginning to give in to the strain, the hot, bubbly load barely contained within her.

“Well, don’t be shy, babykins,” The Headmistress said, reaching down to give Candy’s thickly diapered bottom a few comforting pats. “Show the girls how you make mommy a present!”

Almost immediately, Candy exploded into the seat of her diaper, a hot, mushy load erupting out of her violently and spattering into the seat of her pampers, which almost immediately began ballooning outward. The other girls made exaggerated sounds of disgust and amusement, but Candy couldn’t help it... the beautiful, big titted blonde was as powerless to control her bowels as a real baby!

Squeezing her eyes shut, she emitted an embarrassed mewing sound as her buttocks parted to accommodate another involuntary gush of stinky brown poopy that filled her diaper and blanketed the area in a thick, earthy stench, a cacophony of gross farty squishes emerging.

“Yuck! The baby had an accident!” one of the students cackled, conveniently forgetting that she had been changed out of a poopy diaper herself only about an hour before.

Ms. Hunter just smirked, squeezing the load in Candy’s diaper and gleefully squishing it against her butt. “Well girls, it looks like we’ve got a very messy diaper to change while I finish up my story!”


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