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Sorry about the wait on this, everyone. I hope all of you are having a safe and productive new year thus far... I know I for one have barely had time to slow down yet. As always, thank you all so much for your continued support. If you're enjoying this story and you want to read more like it in the future then don't forget to hit the like button and leave a comment below.

“But I didn’t DO anything!” Rebecca wailed, dragging her feet and struggling to free herself from the Headmistress’ powerful grip. But her efforts were futile, and she quickly found herself inside Ms. Hunter’s office with the door shut behind her. Elle settled herself on the plush leather couch she kept against the far wall... perfect for hauling a pretty young thing over her knee and spanking her soft little bottom-- which was exactly what she had in mind for poor Rebecca.

     Sure enough, moments later, the struggling adult schoolgirl found herself stretched out across the Headmistress’ lap, her skirt flipped up at the back to reveal her sleek black panties stretched alluringly over her firm buttocks. “What’s this?” Ms. Hunter asked sternly, landing a stinging swat against the meaty part of Rebecca’s right cheek, making it wobble delightfully. “These aren’t your regulation panties... where did you get these slutty things, Becky?” she demanded, emphasizing her question with another swat to the seat of her student’s velvet-clad bottom.

     “Don’t call me Becky!” Rebecca demanded furiously, bristling at the use of the childish nickname. “Ow!” she cried, reaching back to protect her bottom when she received a particularly stinging swat in retaliation for her outburst. But Ms. Hunter simply grabbed her wrist and pinned it against her lower back, immobilizing her across the headmistresses’ lap. Rebecca gasped when she felt Elle stick her fingers down the back of her panties and pull them to half mast in one swift tug, baring the girls bottom and making her squeal with girlish embarrassment.

     Ms. Hunter responded by bringing her palm down firmly against her student’s bare, white rump followed swiftly by another and another in rapid succession. Rebecca’s buns began turning pink rather quickly beneath the Headmistress’ sustained assault.  

     “Please just let me explain-- OUCH!” Rebecca cried, begging for a chance to plead her case to the furious Headmistress.

    She had no way of knowing that Ms. Hunter didn’t care if she was innocent or not. Any opportunity to spank, diaper, and get one of the students into the detention program had to be seized upon, that was her philosophy... especially if there were ever going to meet their goal of 100% enrolment.

      “I warned you girls what would happen if you didn’t play nice, Becky,” The Headmistress lectured, settling into a slow, steady rhythm, her powerful, stinging swats raising a prickling heat across the firm, peachy bottom spread out across her lap.

     “I told you not to call me that!” the girl demanded, kicking her legs and pounding her fists against the carpet. “I didn’t do anything!” Rebecca cried, bursting into tears. Though the spanking was moderately painful, it was the embarrassment and injustice of the situation that finally brought her to sobbing. On top of being gorgeous, Ms. Hunter was also far stronger than her student, her body strengthened by a strict exercise routine, making it easy for her to dominate her students physically. Rebecca’s struggles presented no challenge to Elle, who continued the spanking with ease, quickly turning her student’s butt a fiery crimson.

       All poor Rebecca could do was kick and squeal and protest her innocence, the flailing of her legs encumbered only by the panties that had now slipped down around her ankles.

     The truth was, the Headmistress didn’t care if poor Rebecca was innocent or not-- there were few things she enjoyed more than roasting a girl’s rump, and she didn’t really care if it was justified. The sensation of a helpless young woman squirming across her lap was intoxicating, and besides, Rebecca would be off to the detention centre once Elle’d had her fun, anyway. She can’t very well report us once she’d had her brains turned to baby mush, can she? The headmistress thought with a sinister smile, landing a blistering swat with her bare palm against the middle of Rebecca’s jiggling tushy.

     The girl screamed and cried, kicking her legs behind her, her bare buttocks growing redder by the minute. Thrust up unceremoniously into the air behind her, her blazing buns sizzled, crimson and throbbing in the cold air. She cried without restraint, fat tears rolling down her smooth, unblemished cheeks as she lamented the unfairness of her situation.  

     Finally, when Rebecca’s rump was thoroughly roasted and her will had been completely broken, the Headmistress relented. For a long moment, she allowed her student to dangle over her powerful lap, well-spanked ass on full display to the entire room, running her wide, soft palm across the sizzling, crimson domes of her buttocks. Ms. Hunter listened, tingling with pleasure as her student sobbed and whimpered, occasionally sucking her breath with a hiss when the Headmistress patted or squeezed a particularly sore spot.

     “Alright, young lady,” Elle said, flush with power, as she took the bottom of Rebecca’s skirt and tucked it into the waistband, ensuring her bare red bottom would remain bare when she stood. “I want you to put your little nose in the corner while I call up Dr. Waxler and have her prepare a spot for you in the detention centre,” she proclaimed with a wicked smile, helping the blubbering Rebecca to her feet.

     “Nnnnoooo, please!” The girl begged even as she reached around to futilely attempt to rub away the sting in her throbbing red rump. “Anything but that!”

     But the Headmistress had no mercy for her sobbing student, and admiring the girl’s supple young body only made Elle even more eager to transform her into a helpless, baby-brained bimbo. “No rubbing!” she commanded sharply, smacking her hands away. “Go on... you plant yourself in the corner... now, Becky!” the Headmistress instructed firmly, emphasizing herself with a brisk, open palmed swat to Rebecca’s bare bottom. With a choked sob, the girl complied, waddling across the floor with her panties at her knees, butt-cheeks bright and quivering behind her, and placing her pert, upturned nose in the corner to display her naughtiness to anyone who cared to look.

     The headmistress sighed with satisfaction, gazing over her handy work with a pleased smile and a delightfully erotic tingle. The adorable crimson hues of Rebecca’s buttocks were a pleasant reminder that every day her grip on the school grew tighter... soon, there would be no one to stop her from reducing every one of her charges to helpless, simpering Adult Babies.

     At last, she picked up the phone and called the Doctor, who was only too eager to see her new patient.  

“So,” Dr. Waxler said teasingly to the girl who’d been strapped down and was awaiting her date with the Doctor’s wonderful brainwashing machine, her brand new diaper crinking noisily under her shapely bottom, “you just couldn’t help yourself from making fun of our special new students, could you Becky?”

     “Rebecca,” she countered quietly, tears trickling down her face. Cool fear gripped her heart, a cold not even the heat still radiating from her well-spanked hindquarters could thaw. Dr. Waxler favoured her with a superior smirk, fingers clacking, preparing the program that would reduce Rebecca’s intellect to the level of a two year old.

     “Whatever you say, sweetie,” she chuckled, knowing that it wouldn’t matter in just a few minutes--  by the time they were finished with her, Rebecca would be so baby-brained and infatuated with them, they could change her name to almost anything and she’d go along with it eagerly.

     The headset was slipped on, the program was activated, and Rebecca had time to let out a startled gasp before being dazzled into silence by the light show, slumping against her bonds and sitting passively except for the occasional twitch, shudder, or mumble, not even fighting against her bonds as her memories were erased, her mind was emptied, and her personality was re-written to Dr. Waxler’s specifications.  

     The doctor and the Headmistress shared an excited smile, watching their new plaything wriggle and sigh, mere moments away from beginning her new life.


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