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Sorry about the wait on this, guys, I've been sick for the last week or so. As always, thank you all for your continued support-- if you're enjoying the story and you'd like to see more like it then don't forget to hit the like button and leave  comment down below.

Doctor Waxler kissed the thoroughly regressed Kayla aggressively, her hands exploring her body, eagerly fondling the young woman’s firm, ripe tits and squeezing her thickly padded ass through the crinkly white plastic of her big-girl pampers. Kayla squirmed and writhed in her lap, giggling and groaning. Her mind mostly emptied, she had no complex thoughts to get in the way of her enjoyment of the pleasurable sensations the Doctor was stirring within her. Inside, her guts were beginning to stir, but she was able to put it out of her mind... for the moment, anyway.

     Kayla gazed up into the Doctor’s face with an almost religious adoration. Because of her reprogramming, in Kayla’s mind, Dr. Waxler and Headmistress Hunter now occupied positions of both maternal authority and profound sexual lust, in effect serving as both mother figures and objects of profound sexual desire. They were, in many ways, the center of her universe... just being in the presence of this powerful, beautiful woman who she adored so much was enough to get her heart fluttering, and Kayla kissed her back hungrily, eagerly feeling up the doctor’s big, beautiful breasts.  

     “Mmmm... I think I know what this great big baby wants,” Dr. Waxler said, her voice rich and husky. Kayla watched hungrily, eyes glazed, sucking her thumb aggressively as the Doctor unbuttoned her blouse, exposing her firm, ripe breasts, the nipples hard and erect, ready to give milk... and Kayla was eager to receive.  

     “Come and get it, my little diaper-butt,” Waxler said, thrusting her bosom out invitingly. The drooling student, practically vibrating with anticipation, didn’t need any further invite. Leaning forward, she latched onto the Doctor’s nipple and was eagerly suckling within seconds. The Doctor gasped, then grinned, feeling her milk flowing. She looked down, watching her student suck away happily, running her fingers through the girl’s silky hair.

     “That’s a good girl,” the Doctor cooed as though she were speaking to an infant. “Help yourself to a nice drink of mommy’s milk.”

     The girl needed little encouragement-- suckling urgently, she filled her mouth with milk and swallowed, settling quickly into a rhythm. Wrapping her right arm around the doctor’s waist, she reached up to cup the doctor’s free breast with her left, softly squeezing it. Dr. Waxler simply smiled, reaching around to pat her student’s thickly padded bum, enjoying the sensations and revelling in her power.

     “That’s my girl,” the Doctor whispered, reaching down to rub Kayla’s pussy through the front of her diaper. “Drink up, sweetie... good girl.”

     Kayla happily sucked away at Dr. Waxler’s titty, the warm, frothy milk flowing down her throat and filling her belly. She would have been happy and content... if not for that nagging bloat in her tummy, a semi-sickly feeling that seemed to be getting progressively worse. The sensation descended through her guts with a deep gurgle, and she probably would have recognized the signs of gas building in anticipation of a major bowel movement... if she’d remembered her toilet training.

     But all of that complicated adult stuff had been swept under the rug by the Doctor’s machine, the mere thought of holding her bladder and bowels or using a toilet was completely beyond her, literally the furthest thing from her mind. So when the cramping began in her guts, the rolling squeezing descending downward into her colon, Kayla didn’t even try to hold in the gas and soft, mushy dollops of poop when they came blurping noisily into the seat of her pampers.

     “Oh my,” the Dr. Waxler chuckled, faux shocked when she felt the beginnings of Kayla’s bowel movement arrive, the farty mess rumbling her diaper and vibrating the doctor’s lap. “I can see we got you in those diapers just in the nick of time... I guess you weren’t ready for panties yet, were you babykins?”

     “Uuhhh...” Kayla managed to grunt from around the Doctor’s booby, fully answering her question in the form of a fart-powered diarrheic explosion in the seat of her diaper. Dr. Waxler laughed, enjoying the way it made her lap vibrate.

     Her accident didn’t put a damper on Kayla’s feeding... the oversized toddler, having completely forgotten her adult identity, was content to simultaneously slurp away at the doctor’s booby and mess her diaper-- Kayla found herself enamoured with the sensation of filling and emptying her stomach at the same time.

     “Wow! I’m surprised you had that much left in you,” the Doctor said with a chuckle, hearing the last of Kayla’s mess spatter flatulently into the seat of her bulging diaper. That ultra-fibre is a miracle, Dr. Waxler thought with satisfaction, reaching around to pat the seat of Kayla’s thoroughly loaded diaper tenderly.  

     Once the mess had sputtered to a noisy finish, Kayla detached herself from Dr. Waxler’s nipple, reclining in the amazonian beauty’s arms with a contented belch. The Doctor patted her belly, slightly distended with warm milk, and gazed lovingly into her sleepy eyes.

     “Yes, I think that diapers really are the best thing for a girl like you, honey,” Dr. Waxler said, bending down to kiss her lovingly on the forehead. “You did make quite a mess, didn’t you dear?”

     “It’s stinky, mommy,” Kayla said simply, squirming in her pamper and shivering when she felt the mess smushing up her butt-crack. The doctor merely chuckled in response.

     “I noticed that, darling,” she replied, leaning in to kiss her wriggling student on the mouth this time. “Let’s get you in a fresh pamper, baby-- it’s time to show you where you’ll be staying from now on.”

The detention center was attached to the medical building, but the only access lay behind several locked doors. From within her stroller, slurping contentedly on her pacifier, Kayla watched Dr. Waxler unlock doors with a key, a six digit code, and a keycard before they finally entered the main detention area. Kayla was delighted to find it to be an Adult Baby’s paradise, an indoor playground on steroids. It had slides and swings, tunnels to crawl through and ball-pits to play in. It had games and toys of every type... and playing with them-- all of Kayla’s friends who’d been sentenced to the detention center since the beginning of the semester! Kayla spotted Tiffany and Susan, and a few others... she even thought she saw Lucy, who she hadn’t seen since the first day of school!

     Some of the girls slid on the slides or played on the see-saws, others stretched out on the floor in their diapers and pig tails to play board-games or play with dolls. She even saw a pair off in the corner making out enthusiastically, making her blush.

     Dr. Waxler pushed the stroller into the center of the room, the baby-women watching intently as they passed. Fixing their gaze on the Doctor, they watched her go by with open lust, some of them drooling, sucking their thumb or masturbating. Kayla noticed one of them become so excited she obviously lean to one side where she sat and begin grunting out a bowel moment into her big-girl pampers.

     In the center of the room, the Headmistress sat, her elegance in stark contrast to the rest of the women in the room. Sipping tea gracefully, she watched the diapered students play around her and crawl at her feet with a sensual amusement. “Everything alright, doctor?” she asked, looking at the new arrival with a smile.

     “Everything’s fine-- I just had to get this sweetie into her little diapers,” the Doctor responded, bending down and kissing Kayla wetly on the mouth before unbuckling her from the stroller and helping her climb out, ending up on the floor on her hands and knees... along with all the other big babies.  

     “And how is the little darling settling in?” the headmistress asked, grinning and leaning down close to get a better look at her. Gazing up at the beautiful, powerful blonde, Kayla had a profound and totally involuntary reaction-- her heart began racing and instantly, her pussy was throbbing between her legs, all hot and wet. She hadn’t noticed before, but Ms. Hunter was just so gorgeous, her boobies so firm and ripe... all the Adult Baby could do was think about was curling up in the headmistress’ lap and suckling at them. The fantasy was so powerful, Kayla, without realizing it, began drooling down her chin.

     “Run along and play, honey,” Dr. Waxler encouraged, swatting her thickly padded tushy for encouragement before taking a seat across from the headmistress. “Your mommies have business to discuss.”

     Reluctantly, Kayla crawled off, shyly joining another group of newly regressed students in a stuffed animal tea party. Sipping their drinks, the Doctor and the Headmistress surveyed their work with satisfied expressions. It was a good start, but there was still a long way to go.


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