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Merry Christmas, everyone! If I don't speak to you again before, please have a safe and happy holiday.

Before you read this installment, you might want to refresh yourself on chapter six.

And as always, thank you all so much for your continued support, it really means a lot. If you're enjoying the story and you want to see more like it then don't forget to hit the like button and leave a comment below.

“Why don’t you come inside and play with the others?” he suggested invitingly, casually swatting Karla’s bare red bum for emphasis.

     But inside Jasmine, sensations were warring-- on the one hand, she was clearly horrified by the situation, which was exacerbated by the sight of her friends in infantile drag… but on the other hand, they did seem to be having fun, and she found herself attracted to the man in spite of herself, and she found herself jealous of Karla’s position.

     Lastly, inside her, her bowels were beginning to feel oppressively full, and out of nowhere her butt felt like it was about to explode. It was this final sensation that one out, and the confused Jasmine found herself running out the door, her guts gurgling urgently inside her.

     “Get back here young lady!” the nurse ordered sternly after her.

     “I gotta go potty!” she cried back over her shoulder, waddling out of the room and down the hall as quick as her ultra-thick diapers would allow.

     Her desperation was increasing now, her urgency growing along with the cramps in her tummy, and she was forced to press a hand up against her diapered rump (which brought no relief.) She hobbled through the hallways blindly, nary an idea of where the object of her desire was. Although this place seemed to be somewhat inspired by Lynn’s house (or maybe it was vice versa), it was much larger, seemingly stretching into infinity. She threw open a door at random and was only a little stunned by the appearance of a group of adult women in diapers and baby clothes, who looked up from their games to stare at her quizzically. Jasmine slammed the door-- how many of us does he have in this place? She wondered, imagining it to be like an enormous warehouse for adult baby women.

     But when she accidentally ripped a noisy fart, Jasmine knew there was no more time to contemplate it… she had to find a potty right away, or else she knew it would be dirty diapers for her.

     It was when she happened to casually glance in a mirror hanging on a nearby wall that she knew her struggles were in vain.

     In the mirror, she saw herself-- not her reflection, but her past self, during her bout of intestinal distress earlier in the day. Watching her past self drop her pajama bottoms and bare her butt, straining with all it’s might to prevent a messy accident. In her thickly padded pampers, Jasmine tightened her own buttocks to try and prevent an accident she knew was preordained.

     “No!” She cried, pounding on the glass as she watched herself plop down on the toilet. “Stop! Don’t do it!”

     Her past self, perched half naked on the potty, guts roaring inside her, demanding release, let out a cry and reached down to cover her pussy. Jasmine winced, her desperation quickly reaching the point of no return at the same rate as her other self. She was passing gas heavily now, clenching her cheeks behind her in a desperate attempt to hold onto one last vestige of her adulthood.

     “No!” she shouted again, beginning to cry as she slapped her palm against the glass. “Don’t do it! You have to hold it in! Please!” she begged her other self, tears trickling down her face and onto her pink sundress as she watched the other her grit her teeth and strain audibly, trying not to let her down.

     But it just wasn’t enough. Jasmine let out a muffled cry as she watched herself let an uncontrollable spurt of pee out into the toilet-- inside her diaper, she felt a tiny trickle that turned into a mighty roar, hissing loudly and splashing noisily against the thick padding between her legs. She looked at her past reflection, an expression of horror spreading across her face. She tugged up the hem of her dress at the front, gazing down at the rapidly growing dark spot on the front, growing in size in shape as she pissed herself in tandem with her other self tinkling on the potty.  

     “No! Oh God-- you’ve got to stop!” she pleaded, feeling herself beginning to cry

     But her pleas were utterly futile… In the mirror, her past self’s eyes rolled back in her head, and she emitted an uncontrollable grunt of relief as she exploded, unleashing the contents of her bowels into the water below. Simultaneously, Jasmine lost control, a ghastly farting sound emerging as filling her diaper with a mushy gush of smelly poop.

     From her perch on the toilet, her past self was horrified as she watched her counterpart in the mirror turn, revealing her diaper, lumpy and sagging beneath the hem of the little pink sundress. “WHHHAAAAHHHHAAAHHAA!” Jasmine cried, another round of gassy diarrhea exploding into the already bulging seat of her infantile diapers, blushing furiously when she saw the other her watching in disgusted fascination as she filled her pampers, a dark stain spreading across the back as she did.

     She had no idea how long it went on: a strong cramp would squeeze her stomach, producing a noisy eruption of gas and mushy, semi-solid poo-poo, the seat expanding and darkening behind her-- and, simultaneously, the past version of herself on the toilet would shutter and writhe, another round of mushy, farty diarrhea plopping into the water below.

     The vision faded, the mirror clouding over and returning Jasmine to her real reflection… She saw herself, childish pink sundress and silly, matching bonnet, her obviously messy diaper bulging and stained a muddy shade of brown behind her. Her pretty face, usually so meticulously groomed and made-up, was a mess, wet with tears, her nose running… even a little drool was running down her chin as Jasmine screamed and cried, throwing a tantrum to mourn her lost adulthood.

     When Daddy and Ilsa finally caught up to her, Jasmine was on her knees, clawing uselessly at the glass of the mirror, her diaper all bulging and heavy and stinky behind her. “Oh dear,” Daddy tutted, unable to keep a smug little smirk from his face. “What do we have here?”

     Jasmine, having totally abandoned all pretenses to adulthood and maturity, looked up at him, tears running down her cheeks in fat streams. She wished she’d just listened to Daddy-- then none of this would have happened! “Daddy,” she blubbered, barely able to keep her composure long enough to speak, “I pooped my pants! WWWWWAAAAAAHHHHH!”

     “Shhhh… there there, honey bunny,” Daddy soothed, bending down to scoop her up into his strong arms. Jasmine Wrapped her arms and legs around him, clinging tightly, crying into his chest in heavy, heaving sobs. Daddy smiled benevolently, wrapping her up in a warm, soothing hug, patting her bulging, messy backside soothingly. He easily carried her down the hall, all her resistance long gone.

     The next thing she knew, Jasmine was on her back on the changing table, the poopy diaper squishing beneath her. She was still sobbing, wallowing in self pity, but she tried to be brave for daddy… especially when he opened up her diaper, blanketing the room in a strong, earthy stench. The cool baby wipe felt heavenly on her messy backside, and she heard him discard the pamper into a nearby diaper pale with a heavy thump.  

     And once she was clean and powdered, a fresh diaper was slipped beneath her tushy and sealed around her hips. “Now,” Daddy said, pulling her into a sitting position and wrapping her up in a comforting hug, “I’m not going to have to chase you down again, am I, sweetie?”

     “No, Daddy,” she said in as strong a voice as she could muster, returning his hug with gusto, desperate to show her obedience. He lifted her once again with ease, and she snuggled in close to him, eager to get back to the nursery to play with her friends and bask in Daddy’s love.


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