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Since the last chapter of The Descent presented me with a natural break in the story, I'm going to put it on hold for a bit to give myself a chance to work on it a little more and get a few more chapters "in the can" before I start posting again. I want to stress that the story isn't done and will be returning... I just wanted to give myself a little more breathing room on it; think of chapter nine as the end of season one.

In the meantime, I hope you'll enjoy this new one, which builds on similar themes... As always, thank you for subscribing, and if you do enjoy this installment and you'd like to see more, remember to hit like and leave a comment.


“Kelly!” Her mom called from the laundry room,  “can you come here a second?”

     The petite 18 year old bounded into the room, still fresh and excited off the last day of school a few days before. It was the beginning of her last summer before college, and she was looking forward to taking it easy before she went away in the fall. “What’s up, mom?” she asked casually, glancing at herself in the mirror with approval-- her tight shorts showed off almost the entirety of her bare legs and clung to her butt, the matching t-shirt hugging her skinny body alluringly. She stared at herself in the mirror, primping-- at barely 5” high and little over 100 pounds, Kelly was definitely on the shorter side at school, and she frequently felt self-conscious about her perceived skinny body and lack of curves... she made sure to dress to accentuate what little she had.

     “Honey, do me a favour,” her mom said, stuffing the wash into the dryer, “we got someone else’s package in the mail by mistake this morning... could you run it down the street for me?”

     “Aww, but mom,” Kelly pouted, “I was about to head to the mall...” Her mom rolled her eyes.

     “You can take it on the way!” her mother said, annoyed by her daughter’s indolence.  

     “But mom!” Kelly whined, “I’ve got plans!”

     “Come on, Kelly, help me out please,” her mother said, exasperated, slamming the door on the dryer and turning it on.

     “Fine!” Kelly huffed,  stomping her way up to the kitchen and grabbing the package off the table on her way out to the car.

The house was just at the end of the block. Muttering to herself about the unfairness of the world, Kelly pulled up out front, and she was about to jump out and deliver the package when something caught her eye.

     “What th-? ‘Diapers dot com’?” she read from the label. Who orders diapers off the internet? She thought to herself. With a bratty smile, she pealed a bit of the outer wrap off to get a better look, reading the name of the label: “‘Althea Abrams’...” Sounds like a little old lady, she thought. Obviously, someone’s grandma is in the market for protecive underpants, she snickered to herself. Without a moment’s hesitation, she pulled one of the diapers out of the package and inspected it.

It was certainly adult sized, and made of crinkly plastic... but what was with those little cartoon designs across the front? She realized it looked exactly like the Huggies she used to wear when she was still in diapers herself.

Absently, she tossed it onto the back seat, opened the door, and went up the front walk, and finding no bell, she opened the screen and made to knock on the front door...

Before she could touch it, it creaked open, revealing a cool, dark living room beyond. “Hello?” she called, stepping inside. It was quiet, and there didn’t seem to be anyone home. Kelly walked through the house without hesitation. “Hello? I’ve got your diaper delivery,” she said with a naughty little giggle.  

She headed into the kitchen, setting the package on the table before she turned to leave... and then she heard it. A strange groaning, coming from somewhere deeper inside the house. “Hello?” she said quietly, tracing the sound to a dark hallway. She heard it again, and cursed her luck. She didn’t want to be here any longer then she had to be... but what if someone was having a heart attack or something? This is so stupid, she fumed internally, I could be shopping right now, if it wasn’t for this stupid diaper delivery...

Kelly heard the sound again along with something else... straining her ears, she realized that someone was talking. Again the sound... a persistent, guttural grunt, almost animalistic in nature, accompanied by a quiet, steady voice... she could almost make it out now, soft and sweet and gentle.

Slowly she crept down the hallway, the low murmuring gradually becoming low voices: “... Can’t hold it much longer!” she heard someone say urgently, the tone high and whiny.

The answer came back in a soft, sensuous voice she couldn’t make out except for the occasional word: “... right... just... bit longer... baby.”

A low groan was the response, and Kelly was at the door now, close enough to hear the two voices in conversation.

     “Please!” Said the first voice, belonging to a girl Kelly estimated to be around her age. “Please let me mommy... I don’t think I can keep it in much longer!” she begged shrilly.

     “Just another moment, sweetie,” came the reply, the voice exquisitely feminine, soft and sweet, but also low and husky. “You want to show Mommy what a good girl you can be, right?”

     “Yyyeeeeesssss Mommy!” The girl said, her voice as strained and desperate as any Kelly had ever heard. She tip-toed up to the door, which wasn’t quite closed-- light and sound poured out into the hallway. As quietly as she could, Kelly pressed her back up against the wall and listened.

      “Just a little while longer, sweetie,” The woman said in response, and underneath it all was a soft, plastic crinkling that was familiar to Kelly in a very primal way.

     “Oh, Mommy, pleeeeassseeee!” The girl was literally begging now, the strain in her voice palatable. Kelly listened, her nervousness growing along with the girl’s desperation. She wanted to turn and get out of there... but another part of her just had to know...

Bending down, she gave to door a gentle push, the crack growing into a slash. Hesitantly, tentatively, she peeked in...

Straining her eye, Kelly could make out the pink and white colors of the décor, and against the far wall she could make out a crib. It was a nursery, she realized. There was nothing out of the ordinary-- except…

On the floor she saw the girl, and Kelly knew she was right when she estimated her age… if anything, she was probably a few years older. She was spread out on all fours on the carpet, and she was naked-- except for the giant, puffy pink diaper that had been strapped to her bottom, which was stuck up in the air behind her, the plastic shining in the light like a beacon as the girl thrust her booty up and out behind her until it was pointing right at Kelly. The girl groaned softly to herself, hands balled into fists as though she was struggling to lift a great weight.

     “Shhhhh... that’s a good girl,” The woman said, her voice as soft and soothing as velvet. Her skin was the color of creamy coffee, and she was rubbing the seat of the girls thick diapers with a hand that was immaculately manicured, the nails long and red like fire. “You’ve been such a good girl for me... Mommy is so proud of you.”

     “Please, mommy,” the girl said, her voice quivering as she begged. Her pleas were met with an amused chuckle that make Kelly shiver.

     “Mommy is so proud of you, sweetheart,” The woman said, patting The girls diapered rump for emphasis. “Go ahead honey... you can let go now...”

Instantly, a long, sharp hiss emerged from with in the girl’s diaper, followed by the soft pitter of liquid striking fabric... The girl emitted a powerful sigh of relief, and Kelly watched, mouth gaping, as the diaper started sagging between her legs.

     “That’s my good girl...” The woman said soothingly, rubbing and patting the girls pampered backside, the diaper getting thick and puffy between her creamy thighs. “If that all?” she asked when the stream had piddled to a stop, her tone knowing and amused.

     “Uh-uh,” the girl said, her voice shaky.

     “Do you have to make a mud-pie in your pants?” The woman asked, her eyes flickering wickedly.

     “Mmm-hhmmm!” The girl said emphatically, and Kelly noticed for the first time that the girl was clenching her buttocks tightly inside her diaper.

     “Go on honey,” the woman encouraged, a playful smirk playing about her lips, “make me a present in your pampers.”

Kelly listened to the conversation, unable to believe what she was hearing... that girl wasn’t really going to...

Her questioned was answered by a gassy rumble from within the nursery. Kelly’s mouth gaped, and she watched, mesmerized, horrified, as the girl began grunting softly to herself, spreading her thighs apart, sticking her diapered backside up into the air behind her. Kelly watched, fascinated, as the first lump plopped into the bulging seat of her diaper, followed swiftly by another and another... all under the watchful eye of the woman, who was grinning broadly, patting and rubbing the seat of the girl’s diaper, cooing sweet endearments in her ear.

     “That’s my girl,” she whispered, her voice rich and soft, watching her diaper fill with a lumpy mess. “Make a big load in those pampers for mommy to change.”

     The girl grunted in response, another farty rumble emerging... Kelly felt sick to her stomach when a gooey splattering sound emerged, the seat of the diaper bagging out and darkening before her eyes. The woman cooed endearments and patted the seat of her diapers with her soft hand with it’s perfectly painted nails, the girl grunting softly in response...

     A strong, earthy pong reached Kelly’s nose... she pushed it out with a loud snuff, adding in involuntary “EEW!” as she did, covering her nose and making a face.

     The two figures froze for a moment. The woman turned towards the door, a strange smile playing about her lips. “Is someone there?”



Juhu, a good start, please continue!


They need to make a way to Like more than once. I NEED IT!

Not I said The Guy

How do you do it? How do you create such perfection? This story is EXACTLY what I need for these stressful nights with school and work beckoning at me all the time. You are a Genius! PLEASE make more of this incredible story. And, while we're at it? Can she be MY Mommy?