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“Into the tub,” Julie commanded when she had Karen stripped down to her messy panties, “and let’s get those poopy bottoms off your little hiney!”

    Karen blushingly followed instructions. She could live without the baby talk, but now didn’t seem like the time to argue the point. Bowlegged, her underpants drooping severely, she gingerly stepped into the tub and reluctantly allowed Julie to delicately take her heavily-soiled panties by the waist band and peal them off her bottom (which was absolutely caked with mushy poop following her spanking.) Julie tut-tutted. “Oh my! You’re very messy back here, Karen!”

    “I wonder why,” Karen muttered, pouting at her utter impotence. Julie chuckled.

    “I know you’re upset right now, sweetie,” Julie said soothingly, taking the shower head and switching on the hot water. “But soon you’re going to see how lucky you are to have a friend like me… someone who cares about you enough to take care of you, and give you guidance when you need it.”

    Karen wanted to argue the point, but her tension seemed to melt when the hot water hit her tushy, the muddy mess washing away to reveal the pale pink skin of her naked bottom once more. Karen’s protests turned to appreciative murmurs… it felt so good to be clean again.

    “There!” Julie said with a smile, giving Karen’s bottom an affectionate squeeze. “Nice and clean! I bet that feels better, right honey?”

    “Yes,” Karen admitted shyly, allowing Julie to take her hand and help her out of the tub. Julie toweled her dry and sent her off to her room, bare naked, to lie on the bed and wait for her.

    Karen padded to her room and stretched out on the bed on her tummy. She shuddered in the cool air, her skin breaking out in goose pimples. With her heart throbbing in her rib-cage, she replayed the evening’s embarrassing events in her mind over and over, shuddering, her thighs growing slick… her fantasy was coming true… how far would it ultimately go?

    Soon Julie arrived, carrying a couple of bulging plastic bags with her. “I see you’re learning to obey me,” she smiled. “You know, I really do think you’re going to find it’s for the best, Karen.”

    Karen looked and saw Julie coating a thermometer with Vaseline. “What are you going to do?” she whispered, not looking forward to the answer.

    Julie just chuckled; she climbed onto the bed and took up a position straddling Karen’s lower back. She perched herself regally atop Karen’s back, facing her feet; Julie patted her quivering bare bottom with one hand, shaking the thermometer down with the other. “Let’s just say I’d start thinking warm thoughts if I were you,” she said simply, parting Karen’s buttocks with one hand and teasing her adorably crinkled anus with the thermometer gripped in the other.  

    “Uuhh!” Karen let out an embarrassed grunt as the thermometer was pushed home, slowly working its way inside her, the cool glass feeling positively frigid against her warm flesh. Julie chucked to herself, giving the tiny glass tip a little tap with her fingernail, smiling broadly when Karen squirmed and kicked her feet against the mattress in response.

    “Just hold still… that’s my darling,” Julie praised, giving the thermometer a casual twist in one direction, then in the other. Karen shuddered and curled her toes into little fists. None of it was painful exactly, but it was quite uncomfortable… not to mention embarrassing.  

    “Julie, stop!” Karen begged, not really meaning it, her voice quivering. She squirmed around on the bedspread, and Julie smiled, watching her bare tushy waggle in the air.

    “It’s almost over... just relax, babykins.” She bent down and planted a big, wet kiss on one of Karen’s upturned buns, making her groan. “See how much I care about you? I just want to take care of you, you know…” She crooned softly, stroking Karen’s hair gently. Karen flushed… part of her was indignant at the suggestion that she needed to be cared for by someone so much younger… another part of her throbbed with raw, molten desire, so hot it threatened to consume her. To be so thoroughly dominated and doted on… so completely controlled and cared for, like a great big doll by this little brat, barely out of her teens… it was almost more than she could bear.  

     She squealed and kicked her feet against the bedspread as the thermometer was swiftly and sharply withdrawn. Julie studied it with a small smile, resting her free hand on Karen’s vulnerable bare rump, still glowing red after it’s brisk spanking. Karen chewed her bottom lip nervously, vividly aware of Julie’s hand on her naked bottom, gently patting and squeezing one of her cheeks as she awaited the verdict. She hadn’t forgotten what Julie had said earlier: “…we’re going to find out if you’re sick, and you better hope you are, sister, because you don’t want to know what I’m going to do with you if you’re not!”

    “Oh dear,” Julie chuckled, her voice dripping faux concern. “98.6 on the nose… you’re as healthy as a horse, Karen,” she half scolded, emphasizing her remarks with a single spank applied sharply to Karen’s backside. “How unfortunate for you!”

    Julie rose from her perch and went back to the shopping bags to do some more rummaging. Karen lay blushing, burning up with embarrassment, sucking in air and blowing it back out like she’d just surfaced after nearly drowning, trying to still her heart-- to consider the situation a little more clearly. Everything was going so fast…

    A sweet, familiar scent filled the air… Karen felt a strange tickle on her rear end, peeked over her shoulder and discovered Julie grinning as she dusted a skiff of baby powder over Karen’s backside before patting it in firmly. Karen stirred sleepily. “Julie, what…?”


    Karen was silenced by a rubber nipple between her lips. She looked down, cross-eyed, not entirely shocked when she saw the pacifier in her mouth… I guess I should have seen it coming, she thought ruefully, turning over on her back when Julie demanded it. She sucked her soother quickly, squirming as Julie dusted her front with powder and rubbed it in sensuously.  

    “Get that tushy up,” Julie demanded, taking her ankles and hoisting them into the air, bending Karen back and exposing her bare rump to the room.  She was dizzy, her face burning with embarrassment. How can I let someone do this to me? She thought desperately, the powder tickling the sensitive skin of her bare butt as it rained down lightly.

    Her rump was lowered, sinking into the soft, pillowy material of the waiting diaper. “Julie,” she croaked desperately from behind the pacifier, “please don’t…”

    “Ha!” Julie barked out a derisive laugh as she pulled the pamper up between Karen’s thighs, sealing her pussy in tightly. “And leave you unprotected? So you can run around making messes for me to clean up? I think not!” Julie taped the diaper up tight and finished it up with a couple of firm pats to the front panel. “There! Nice and tight to prevent any more accidents!” Karen’s cheeks flushed… she felt her life spinning further and further out of her control… and into Julie’s.  

    “I took the liberty of going online and ordering you a few things,” Julie smirked, reaching into her purse and pulling out a little bib, which she quickly tied around her neck. She burst out laughing. “That’s perfect!” she giggled girlishly; Karen peeked down at her chest and deciphered the upside-down lettering: Mama’s Little Stinker! She felt her cheeks go hot. Julie, who had been monitoring her reactions carefully, broke out into a grin. “I thought it would be appropriate… after all, Karen; you’ve got one of the stinkiest bottoms I’ve ever smelled!”

    Karen groaned and turned away, cheeks flaring brightly. She lay limply on the mattress and allowed Julie to thread her feet into a pair of frilly baby pants. “Look at that cute little ruffled bottom,” Julie gushed, swatting the lacy seat of Karen’s diapers playfully. The embarrassed executive groaned—this was all too much for her… her sense of self, her very identity was being stolen from her, and by a girl who was just out of high school!

     Julie laughed and pulled her into a sitting position. Karen sat, dazed, her blood rushing in her ears as Julie moved around behind her and started brushing her hair. Inside, her emotions swirled chaotically, her anger and outrage at Julie’s treatment of her warring with the shameful throb of her thickly diapered pussy. She struggled to catch her breath and sat sweating while Julie banded her hair up into pigtails.  

    “There we go!” Julie said, admiring her handiwork with a laugh. “Come see how cute you look,” she said, grabbing Karen’s hand and pulling her over to the mirror. Karen surveyed her reflection, a sickening vertigo making her sway on her feet. She realized, watching her face turn redder and redder, that she looked like an exact replica of a helpless baby girl, not even old enough to toddle, blown up to adult size.  She felt like Alice, tumbling down the rabbit hole—when would she hit bottom… and what would be the ultimate consequence?


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