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As always, major thanks to everyone who's subscribed thus far, I definitely appreciate it. If you're enjoying the story, don't forget to let me know by hitting like and maybe leaving a comment. I'm thinking about starting community collaborations soon, maybe even later this month, so keep your eyes peeled for that. 

Karen sat in the passengers seat, the blue and red disco lights of the patrol car flickering across her face at regular intervals. She gripped the armrests with nervous fingers, knuckles turning white, and the casual observer might think she was simply anxious about an encounter with the police. Only those who watched closely would realize the reason for Kern’s tense demeanor was much closer to home. Inside, her guts were boiling and cramping up sharply, a massive bowel movement that was rapidly approaching critical mass. She looked over at Julie, nervous as she addressed the officer… she couldn’t believe her fate was in the hands of a girl who had stated her intention to embarrass Karen on more than one occasion.

    “Good evening, officer.”

    As always, Julie was calm and cool, her voice crisp and professional as she handed her license and registration over to the cop. He inspected the papers a moment before taking them back to his cruiser and running them through the computer. In the passenger’s seat,  the tension had Karen almost vibrating in place, In the still night air, Karen passed gas nervously,  squirming uncomfortably on her rump. She was almost positive she had a massive skid mark forming in the seat of her panties. Julie leveled an icy look in her direction, and instantly Karen felt like a mouse staring down a hungry cat.

    “Nice, Karen…” she said sarcastically, pinching her nose shut.

    “Julie, please,” Karen begged. Inside her, the mess was gurgling and groaning, crying out for release. “You have to do something—I can’t hold on much longer!”

    “Don’t worry,” said Julie with a sly smile, “I’ve got an idea.” Karen found her grin more unsettling than comforting.

    The officer came back, handing Julie her papers. “You ladies were going pretty fast,” he said, voice flat and monotone.

    “Yes officer,” Julie said confidently, “I’m sorry about that, but we have a little emergency here. You see… my friend here has…” she shot a discreet look at Karen in the passenger seat, then leaned closer to the officer to say in a quiet, conspiratorial tone of voice: “Well, I suppose you’d probably call it ‘explosive diarrhea…’”

    Karen gasped and shot her a look of shock and anger, burning with humiliation, unable to believe what she’d just heard, but she wasn’t about to contradict her now… this was their only chance to get out of a ticket!

    “She thought she was feeling better, but she had one of those stupid hot-dogs at the movies and--- well, as I’m sure you can smell, it seems to have disagreed with her.”

    Karen reddened and nearly died when she saw the officer’s nose crinkle, a look of poorly concealed disgust on his face. Her cheeks were getting redder with each passing moment.

    Julie fixed him with a charming smile,  designed to disarm him…. A skill she’d honed with many years of practice. “We’re trying to get her to a bathroom before it turns into a full-blown accident, and I know it’s not exactly fair, but if you could let us off with a warning just this one time…”

    Minutes later they were headed toward home once again, Karen shifting and fidgeting the whole way, passing noisy, moist gas, much to Julie’s amusement. “Do the people you work with know how bad your ass stinks, Karen?” she laughed, making Karen squirm.

    “Julie, please just pull over,” Karen begged, “I’ll go in the bushes!”

    Julie smirked to herself. The idea did have a certain appeal… but she’d planned for this night for weeks, literally salivated over the idea for days. She intended to utterly destroy Karen’s sense of self, her adulthood, her very identity, and replace it with one of her own design… there was no turning back now… she’d come this far, and she knew she had to see it through to the end.

     “What if someone sees you? I just talked our way out of one ticket, and you want to risk another? I don’t think so! Just sit back… and stop that squirming! And could you please stop farting, Karen? It’s disgusting!” Julie scolded, barely able to contain her laughter.

    “I can’t help it!” Karen whined defensively. This was all so unfair! Why couldn’t Julie just give her a break?

    “God, it smells like you’ve already had an accident,” Julie said, fanning her face and shooting her passenger a dirty look, savoring the rosy hue on her cheeks. “it’s a good thing you’re so cute, Karen… otherwise, who would be willing to put up with all your little accidents?”

    Karen blushed and fumed, unable to think of anything to say, and as it turned out she didn’t have time to fret on it… “Julie turned to her from the driver seat and said “try not to worry too much about it—we’re almost home.”

    Soon Julie was angling the car into the parking space and switching off the engine, but poor Karen wasn’t sure if she’d be able to move… her struggle had left her sweaty and exhausted, unsure if she could even get out of the car without having an accident, let alone make it to her apartment. She trembled and sobbed, frustrated and desperate and, worst of all, painfully, blisteringly aroused. The idea of having another accident in front of Julie, not to mention the possibility of being punished for it, was making her feel a powerfully guilty arousal

    Julie appeared at the door, reaching in and gently, but firmly helping Karen our. Karen let out a cry, pressed both her palms up against her rounded bottom. With Julie’s support, Karen was able to baby step into the elevator.

    Alone in the lift, Julie looked Karen over hungrily. She was sweaty and disheveled, right on the edge of losing control— first of her bowels, then of her life. Julie stared at her with naked lust.  She pressed against her, backing Karen into a corner. Inches from her face, Julie stared her in the eyes and smiled ruthlessly, practically licking her chops. “All your struggling is pointless, you know,” she said, her lips so close to Karen’s they were almost brushing. “You’re not going to make it. You’re going to take a hot… mushy… dump… right in those pretty little panties.” She chuckled smugly, leaning in to press her cheek against Karen’s, feeling her warmth and sweat. “And then…? Well… Let’s just say you’re lucky to have me around, Karen,” she giggled.

    Leaning in, she started kissing Karen’s neck softly, relishing her tension and squirming against her. Karen groaned, nearly losing control. Instead she merely farted, an embarrassed groan accompanying it. Julie chuckled. “Goodness! You just can’t keep your pants clean, can you?” she mock scolded. The elevator came to a halt, the doors whooshing open smoothly.

   “Come along Karen. Don’t dawdle!” Julie scolded, swatting Karen’s tightly clenched bottom once for emphasis. She giggled as she watched Karen baby step out of the elevator—it wouldn’t be long now, she thought to herself with a satisfied smile, growing rather aroused herself at the thought of causing Karen to have another accident.

    She took the lead, grabbing Karen by the hand and strutting towards the apartment door with absolute confidence, poor Karen hobbling and stumbling behind her, struggling to keep up. The mess was pressing up against the exit urgently, and only Karen’s most desperate and furious struggles could keep it inside of her and out of her panties. They reached the door, and Julie pulled her in close for another kiss before making a show of opening up her purse and pretending to look for her keys.

    “Darn,” she said, nearly laughing at the expression on Karen’s pale sweaty face. “Where did those keys get to? I do hope I didn’t lose then, eh, Karen? That would have the potential to be quite a mess, wouldn’t you say?”

Karen didn’t say anything, but that didn’t stop Julie from laughing right in her face before turning her attention back to her purse. “I know I saw them in here somewhere… Oh, here they are!”

Karen chewed her lips and clutched her butt with both hands, sweating and passing gas as Julie slid the key into the lock and turned it with agonizing slowness...


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