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My back arched and twisted as I pulled against the restraints. I could feel my bones cracking and splintering as whatever the doctor had injected me with sent burning hot pain through my veins. My insides churned and the sickly feeling of pulling began to radiate from my groin and into my abdomen. Whatever changes were occurring below my belt caused me to double over, pulling against the restraints until I was sure they would draw blood.

I peered over to my hand, fist clenched in agony as my skin began to bubble and change. I was sure that I had to be hallucinating until I realized the exact same thing was happening to my other hand as well. In horror I watched as my hand became far more slender; far more delicate and... feminine.

I gasped. "No." I whispered and the voice I heard was not my own. It was not the clear and high register of a woman but sounded more like a prepubescent child.

My arms burned as the skin began to change. I watched my muscle mass dissolve away into nothing, leaving behind two slim, delicate arms.

The pulling sensation began to crescendo in my abdomen and was accompanied by the most bizarre feeling of my life. With two pops, I felt both my testicles pull back into my body. Further more, I could feel them traveling up into my abdomen before settling into their new position and, presumably, new function.

A wave of nausea mixed with strange euphoria washed over me as a rush of new hormones comes crashing over my system. I could feel my penis stiffen and my breath shudder. My nipples poked out against the thin fabric of my teeshirt. I drew in a gasp as the euphoria gave way to pleasure and I felt further changes occurring.

My, now empty, scrotum pulled tight against my body. I felt the skin change, molding against me until a crevice formed which gave way to a cavity. My penis strained against my pants until the feelings became to much and I watched in horror as the bulge began to shrink. I felt my penis retract, shrinking further and further until I felt it's head retract into the newly formed crevice. My knees shuddered and my back arched.

"Ohhhh goooood." I moaned, hearing the unmistakable sounds of feminine pleasure leave my throat.

The pleasure rolled over me like a waves, each one causing me to arch my back and gasp. With each wave, I could feel added weight to my chest and subtle changes to my face.

And just like that, it was over.

My body relaxed, limp against the restraints. My head was pounding and my chest, completely with it's new additions heaved with each breath.

"Very good show!" The doctor exclaimed with a slow clap that echoed though out the room.

"What the hell did you do to me!" I screamed in my new voice. "You son of a bitch!"

"Now, now, that's hardly any way for a lady to speak." The doctor said shaking his head.

"I'm... not... a..." I panted, trying to catch my breath.

"Not what?" The doctor asked. "A lady? A woman? A girl? Female?" He barked out another laugh. "Oh, I can assure you, miss, you are all of those things now."


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