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This is all the work I have on a piece of fiction that I never finished. The story is choppy and I started work on different sections but there is a lot to enjoy here!

By the time spring had started and the tourists started to pour into the city Robert and I were doing two to three shows a night to sold out crowds. It seemed like Robert had finally hit it big and I still have a hard time putting into words just how happy he was during this time. Each night when the curtain would open to a sold out theater, Robert would be on stage soaking up the admiration. It was like he thrived on it.

I, on the other hand was having a difficult time adjusting to the popularity.

As winter gave way to spring, it seemed as though my costumes would require less and less clothing. On the surface this wasn’t a problem. The daily injections I had been giving myself each night had softened my features and enhanced my figure thoroughly enough that I didn’t require much more time to prepare than any other showgirl.

But I wasn’t any other showgirl.

Each night I stood on stage with my bare legs in five inch heels, wearing a corset leotard that accentuated my waist and hips. Each night I put myself on display for a sold out crowd of people, most of whom looked at me like I was a snack to be devoured later. However, the show must go on. Despite the lingering sense of dread in the pit of my stomach, I stood on stage with one hand on my hip and the other gesturing elegantly to Robert.

We would end each show with the classic disappearing man act, in which Robert would climb into a complex looking device and vanish into thin air. Of course, it wasn’t real magic. The “Robert” on stage was actually part of a trick called a “cowboy switch”. The look alike was close enough in resemblance to Robert from far up on stage that no one could tell it wasn’t the real man. The look alike would enter the cage, lightning and smoke would be cued from off stage and a trap door in the cage would allow Robert to vanish.

Here is where the switch comes in.

Robert, the real one, makes his way to the upper balcony, one of the reserved sections. He hides until I give my cue, then Robert would “reappear” at the top of the balcony.



Curtain closes.

Robert rejoins me on stage behind the curtain for a final bow.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

Almost every night for four weeks. But I had survived and now had a whole week to kick back and enjoy Las Vegas before we started up again.

Once the curtain closed for the final time and Robert and I were finally back to our dressing rooms could I finally breath a sigh of relief. The constant fear of being discovered was gnawing at me like a wild animal.

I sat at the vanity in my dressing room and began to remove the jewels and gems from my styled hair. I studied the woman in the mirror moving her slender fingers delicately and deliberately around her long hair. Sometimes it was hard to believe that I was looking at myself. It hadn’t been that long ago that I was just some scrawny punk from south Philly.

Now look at me.

I had just started to remove my makeup when there was a knock on my door.

“It’s me.” Robert’s voice said from the other side.

I got up and unlocked the door. In an instant, Robert had pounced on me in a huge bear hug, lifting me off the ground.

“Rob…ert.” I gasped. “Can’t…breath.” The corset was already squeezing my insides, the bear hug only added fuel to the fire.

Robert set me back on the ground and was absolutely beaming. “You were great tonight!” He exclaimed.

I laughed and held my sides. “Thanks, not as great as you though.” I said with a polite gesture.

Robert let out a sigh and a nervous laugh. “God I can’t believe how great this is going.” He said. “I want to take you out for dinner to celebrate, anywhere you want, the sky is the limit.”

I blinked a few times. “Robert, are you asking me out on a date?”

Robert smiled and shook his head. “Not a date, just a thank you.” He said. “For doing… well all of this.” He gestured to me. “Just a dinner between two business partners.”

“Still feels like a date.” I mumbled.

“I’ll let you pay if it makes you feel better.”

I rolled my eyes. “Yeah right. All expenses paid? Sound familiar?” I laughed. “Fine!” I said with an exaggerated groan. “Let me change, I’ll meet you at your dressing room when I am ready.”

Robert beamed at me. “Wear something nice.” He said before nearly skipping out of my room. I locked the door behind him and rested myself against the closed door.

“It still feels like a date.” I said quietly to myself.

Resigning myself, I unclasped the torture device around my waist and peeled off the tight piece of clothing. I found myself gently rubbing my breasts in an all too feminine manor after freeing them from the corset. Since starting on the injections, I found that my breasts had been not so slowly developing along with the rest of my body. I was already down to the smallest size of padding and I was sure that soon enough, I wouldn’t need any padding at all to fill the cups of my outfits.

I walked over to my closet and pulled out a rather elegant black dress with an open back. The hem of the dress was cut at an angle that came up just above my mid thigh on one side. I had never really intended to wear the dress and had been talked into the purchase by the sales woman. She was insistent that it was the perfect dress to show off my “dynamite” legs.

As I shimmied into garment and adjusted the straps, I had to admit, the sales woman had a point. I turned around and examined the back of the dress in the mirror. The back was cut low, just below the small of my back.

The open back also meant that I wouldn’t be able to wear a bra or any padding tonight. My chest was by no stretch flat. In fact, I would be willing to bet that I had larger breasts than my sister, even though there was no way in hell I would want to confirm that fact. However, without the padding, they were slightly smaller. I was sure that eagle eyed fans of mine, IE perverts, would probably notice.

I shrugged and cupped my boobs. “Oh well. Sorry fellas. It’s all smoke and mirrors anyway.”

After slipping on a pair of black pumps and adjusting my makeup in the mirror, I grabbed my bag and left my room for what was definitely not a date.

Leave it to Robert to choose the fanciest restaurant he could find.

Our driver pulled the car up to the front and Robert hopped out to come around to my side and grab my door. I swung my legs out of the car door and Robert extended his hand to help me up. Begrudgingly, I obliged.

It had gone without saying that even though Robert and I knew of the strange arrangement between us and the truth about who I really was, in public we had an image to uphold. So despite my best efforts to make sure this night did not feel like a date, I was off to a pretty poor start.

Robert lead me into the building where the maitre d lead us to a private room upstairs with a view of the Vegas Strip. Robert held out my chair for me and I delicately sat down, crossing my legs at the knee as Robert sat across from me.

A waitress dropped off a bottle of wine and poured a glass for Robert and I.

“Swanky place.” I said taking a sip.

“Not bad right?” Robert agreed. “You look great by the way.” He said.

I rolled my eyes but felt myself blush. “What’s my rule, man?” I asked. “Not a date.”

Robert held his hands up defensively. “Sorry, sorry.” He said. “Fine, you look like crap.” He said.

I snorted into my wine glass and felt myself blush harder.

“Your dress is kind of slutty.” He added.

“Well, you bought it, so…” I said.

For a while Robert and I exchanged banter and conversation about the show and our upcoming week off. By the time our food had arrived, they were also bringing us another bottle of wine to replace the one we polished off.

“So what’s it like?” I asked with a mouth full of expensive salmon.

Robert cocked his head to the side as he cut his steak. “What?”

“Being the center of attention on stage.”

Robert smirked and took a bite. “I should ask you.” He said. “I see the way everyone looks at you.”

I rolled my eyes. “It’s different. People love you because of what you do.” I gazed down at my slender curves in the dress. “Not how you look.”

“It’s like a drug.” Robert said after a moment. “To be in front of all those people.” He stared out the window, suddenly deeper in thought than he or I expected. I leaned in slightly as he continued.

“When I am up there, I feel so… in control.” He said. “I know it sounds a little weird but it’s a rush. All those people here to see me. Hanging on my word. Appreciating what I do.”

I had never heard Robert talk about his act this way before. The sudden shift in the conversation caught me off guard. All most as much as what happened next.

As I watched him, I felt my breath become a bit more shallow. I could feel a tingling down in my crotch from an appendage that had been all but useless these past several weeks. I found myself biting my lip slightly as I felt my nipples stiffen against the smooth fabric of my dress.

In an instant, I was jerked back to reality as Robert turned back to me.

“You know?” He asked. Only then did I realize that he had continued to speak while I was lost in my own head and was looking for input on something I had missed.

I cleared my throat and took another gulp of wine. “Completely agree.” I said. “Excuse me for a minute.” I said, setting my napkin on the table and slowly getting out of my chair. As I walked towards the bathroom, I could feel my hips swaying more than they normally do, as if I was doing it on purpose because I knew Robert would watch me walk away.

I reached the ladies room and was relieved to find it not only available but private as well. I locked the door behind me and held myself up on the sink.

Staring back at me in the mirror was a woman with red cheeks, who looked slightly flushed and who’s nipples looked like they could cut glass. If I didn’t know any better, and was observing from the outside, I’d say that something got that girls engine revving.

Only that girl was me.

And the thing that got my engine revving was… Robert?

I wasn’t sure at what point I had fallen asleep but I suddenly found myself being jerked awake by the sound of my bedroom door opening. Flipping on my bedside light, and brushing the hair out of my eyes, I was shocked to see Robert standing in my doorway.

“Robert?” I asked, sleepily. “What’s wrong?”

He didn’t respond but was staring at me with an intensity on his face that resembled the look he had over dinner.

“Robert?” I repeated.

Slowly, he walked towards me. As he approached, he slipped out of the white teeshirt he was wearing before slowly removing his boxers.

“What are you…” I began to say before letting out a soft gasp. Robert was standing at the side of my bed completely naked. To say that he was aroused would be like calling the Grand Canyon a hole. He stood proud and at full attention next to me, looking down with slight smirk on his face.

“I want you Christina.” He said in a low whisper that sent shivers down my back.

“We can’t.” I replied though I found myself biting my lip.

Robert slowly climbed over top of me and placed his hand behind my head. He began kissing me, slowly and passionately and… I didn’t stop him. I let out soft moans as he kissed and his hands began to explore my body. His fingers danced over my breasts and down my stomach, over my hips and around to my ass where he dug them in with a tight squeeze. I let out another gasp as he began to kiss my neck.

“Robert…” I gasped. “We have to stop.”

He pulled away from me and positioned himself at my feet. “I don’t want to.” He said. “Don’t you want me?”

I bit my lip. “I do, but I can’t.” I moaned.

Robert’s hands slid up my smooth legs until they reached my silk sleep shorts. Slowly, he pulled them down my long legs and as he did, I let out yet another gasp. Between my round, smooth thighs was a small mouth delicate mound of skin with very fine pubic hair, trimmed nice and neat.

On his knees, Robert moved closer to me, between my thighs. I could feel him rubbing his hard cock against something…. Something that I knew should not have been there.

“Don’t you want me?” He asked again as he continued to rub the head of his cock on me.

I bit my lip harder and gazed into his eyes. “I want you.” I moaned. “God, I want you.”

A smile crept across his face as I felt his engorged head separate my lips and penetrate my waiting womanhood. I let out a scream of pleasure as he began to make love to me.

With a sudden jolt, as if falling from a great hight, I found myself once again waking up in bed. The room was dark and I was alone. My heart was racing and I ran my hand though my hair to find it wet with sweat. In panic, remembering my dream, my hand shot down between my legs where I found to my relief, one of the last vestiges I had to my life as a man. Unfortunately, I also found a small wet spot between my legs.

A reminder of the dream that had woken me up.

I flopped my head back down on my pillow and stared up at the ceiling.

A wet dream. I had just had a wet dream where I was being railed by Robert.

What the hell was happening to me?

I had intended to spend my week off doing as little as possible however, fate it would seem, had other things in mind. Kayla had flown into Vegas in the morning, having heard about our time off and was determined to get in as much “sister” time as she could. Begrudgingly, I agreed and had resigned myself that until the tour was over and I was back home, bras and tight clothing was my new normal anyway.

We were sitting in a coffee shop sipping our drinks while Kayla was catching me up with everything at home while I sat politely and listened.

“Wow.” Kayla said finally, sitting back in her chair.

I gazed over my shoulder and then back at her. “What?”

“I just can’t get over that this is you.” She said gesturing to me. “You look incredible.”

I felt myself blush and rolled my eyes. “Yeah well, those injections have been doing most of the work.” I said.

“So are those,” Kayla said gesturing to my chest. “All you or is it padding.”

I glanced down at my chest. I wasn’t exactly showing off but my top was low enough and my bra had enough lift that there was a pleasant line of cleavage showing. “They’re all me.” I said with a sigh.

“Wow.” Kayla repeated. “You’ve gotta be bigger than me!” She squealed.

I cringed. “B cup.”

“Wow.” She said yet again.

What followed next was a never end string of questions about my current “situation”, how I’ve been handling it, how much longer I’ll be dealing with it, so on and so on. The longer the questioning went, the more comfortable I began to feel. I had never really been able to talk to Kayla about anything deep before but this was different. We were really connecting on a level that I didn’t know we could. Perhaps there was something to be said about sisters.

Kayla pulled out her phone and began typing, no doubt searching for the nearest sex shop. I was positive that being in Las Vegas, we would not have far to walk.

“Found one that carries them.” She said finally. “Not too far, a few blocks.”

As I fumbled with the prosthetic, Kayla stood outside the bathroom door reading the specs. There was a small tube to attach my penis to that would allow me to pee through it. Additionally, there was another tube that was to remain empty that would allow for “realistic” penetration. As Kayla read these words to me, I felt a shudder run down my back.

“How’s it going?” She asked after a few minutes.

“Almost done.” I grunted though another Charlie horse. I had been holding my legs at awkward angles to apply the skin and my patients was running very thin but I was coming down the home stretch. The seams virtually vanished against my skin after I applied the sealer to them and I was pleasantly surprised that I wouldn’t need to use any sort of makeup or dye to get the skin to match my own natural tone.

I straightened up and stretched my sore legs and walked over to the mirror to get a better look. Immediately, I felt lightheaded and could feel my legs threaten to give way. If I didn’t know the truth, I would say that the person staring back at me in the mirror was completely, 100% a woman.

My hands went down between my legs and felt the smooth flat skin. It was strange having no sensation there considering how real it looked but as my fingers probed further, I found the tiny nub of my exposed penis and couldn’t help but giggle.

“I have a clit.” I said out loud.

I heard the door knob jiggle. “Let me see!” Kayla exclaimed.

“Hang on!” I shouted. “Let me put some underwear or a robe on.”

“Screw that!” Kayla laughed. “It’s nothing I don’t see everyday!”

She had a very good point, which did nothing to make me feel better. I unlocked the door and Kayla flung it open, practically hitting me in the face.

“Let’s check out the goods!” She said, here eyes fixed on my crotch.

I wasn’t entirely sure what to do, or what she wanted so I more or less just stood there with my hands gesturing down to my now flat crotch. “Ta-da.” I said dryly.

“Holy shit.” Kayla gasped. “It looks so good! Wow, my little brother’s vagina.” She giggled.

“Yeah, yeah.” I said walking over to the towel rack and wrapping a robe around myself. “Thank you for this. It’s going to make me feel a lot better about being discovered.”

Kayla smiled. “Of course. I’m surprised that you hadn’t looked into already.”

I shrugged. “I figured that the only things I would find were weird silicone things for… enthusiasts. Nothing realistic.”

“This is the real deal.” Kayla said. She pulled the instructions out of her pocket and flipped them open. “Built in electrodes monitor blood flow and simulate arousal.” She said before flipping the page. “Blah, blah… science stuff, simulated touch, artificial lubricant, more science stuff, receptors to the brain…” She handed me the book with a smile.

“What does any of that mean?” I asked.

“Basically, the longer you wear it, the more it will behave like a real vagina.” She said as if it was easy to understand. “It uses electrodes to stimulate nerve endings and basically make it feel like the skin is part of you. You’ll be able to get aroused and wet just like the real thing.”

I blinked a few times. What Kayla was describing sounded more like magic than science but so far, everything else I had experienced seemed that way as well. I was still getting over the fact that a syringe of liquid once per day had given me a supermodel’s body. A fake vagina with nerve endings I supposed was no further of a stretch.

“So does it like need batteries or something?” I asked, flipping though the pages. “Do I need to plug my vagina in at night?”

Kayla laughed. “You are the charger.” She said. “Your body heat powers it.” Her attention turned back to my crotch. “Look at you.” She giggled. “You’re a woman!”

Her words hung in the air for a minute.

A woman.

A girl.

Her. She. Lass. Dame. Broad. Daughter. Bride. Wife. Mother.


And then something strange happened, something I wasn’t expecting. A tear fell down my cheek. Followed by another, and another. Before I knew it, I was on my knees, sobbing.

“Oh my god.” Kayla gasped as she knelt down beside me. “Chris, what’s wrong.”

“I’m a woman!” I sobbed. “Just like that!”

Weeks of repressed feelings had just boiled over the top and my head started spinning. How could it have been so easy to become someone else? Was I really that much of a nobody that a complete change in my identity was easy as snapping my fingers?

“I’m sorry.” I gasped though the tears. “I’m okay.”

“Chris.” Kayla said softly. “You aren’t okay. Please talk to me.”

I took a deep but shaky breath as the tears kept rolling down my face. “I don’t recognize myself in the mirror. You have no idea what that is like.” I sobbed. “My entire life has changed. This… body, it’s not me.”

Kayla gently stroked my hair and I found myself leaning into her as she wrapped her arms around me.

“I wake up everyday and have to pretend to be someone I am not.” I sobbed. “Rob doesn’t understand, for him it’s an act, for me, its every second of every day, even when I’m not on stage.”

“It’s like I want to go in one direction but the world is pulling me in another.” I continued. “First it was the clothes, then the injections, then my body started changing and now… now I have a vagina!” I sobbed.

Kayla gave me a squeeze. “It’s only temporary.” She said softly. “You’ll finish this tour and be loaded and be back to your old self in no time.”

“What if it’s like that axe?” I choked.

There was a pause. “The what?” Kayla asked.

“The axe with the handle.”

“What axe?”

“With the handle, and you replace the handle, and then the head.” I sobbed. “You know the axe?”

“You mean like the ship of Theseus?” Kayla asked. “Replace enough parts, can it still be considered the same ship.”

I nodded.

“You’re wondering if you replace enough of who you are, are you still you?”

I nodded again.

“That is incredibly insightful.” Kayla said. “But also incredibly misguided. Of course you are you.” She said. “You are my brother. Nothing is going to change that, not even your outward appearance. And at the end of this tour, you will look like my brother again.”

“Nothing is being replaced.” Kayla continued. “You are still the same ship, just decorated to look like a different ship.”

I am still the same ship. I repeated these words over and over until eventually I was able to take a deep breath without breaking down into more tears.

As the week came to a close a strange began to happen.

Well, two things began to happen actually.

For one, my prosthetic vagina had basically “turned on” over the course of a day or two. No longer did it feel like a foreign piece of material. Now whenever I put on my underwear or wiped or literally anything, I could feel it. Which brings us to the second thing which perhaps stems from the first; a switch in my brain seemed to have flipped.

I knew without a fraction of doubt that I was a man disguised as a woman. I knew that underneath the clothes, the prosthetics, the injection enhancements, I was a man. With that said, the longer I spent with Kayla going, going shopping, hanging out at the pool, going to see shows, the more I simply felt like a woman.

I would see an attractive woman in tight clothes and appreciate her beauty, sure, but I was also comparing her looks to mine. Would I be able to pull off that dress? Where did she get her hair done?

However, the inverse was true now for men. Despite having spent 24 years of my life as one, now when I looked at a man, it was like looking at something… other. The harsh angles, the hair, the muscles. There was nothing there for me to relate to anymore. Although this did not stop them from looking at me. To them I was prey. A cute thing in tight clothes for them to conquer. I found myself actively seeking out the company of other women for a sense of safety at times.

It was a man’s world, and one that I was no longer part of.

For each of these revelations, I took the changes in stride. But nothing could have prepared me for what occurred at the end of the week.

It was Kayla’s last full day in Vegas and her friends were driving in for the day from Boulder City. Our plan was to do a little more shopping and cap the night, and Kayla’s week, off with a girls night out on the strip. We

As the night progressed the dance floor became packed with bodies. The movement of everyone together reminded me of the ocean, shifting and undulating with the music. My admirer paid for another round of shots for us before coming back over to ask for another dance. I, feeling charitable, did not refuse. I took his hand and led him out into the crowd of people.

The pounding music resonated though the air and the floor and I slowly found my rhythm and began to move my hips and legs to the beat. My admirer joined in and the two of us dance close to together, face to face. I had my hands above my head when he slowly brought his hand down my arm and side, sending shivers throughout my entire body. I was almost positive that he copied the move from Dirty Dancing but I didn’t care.

The tempo changed and suddenly we were dancing a salsa style dance with my leg wrapped around him as he dipped me. His hand was gripping my thigh firmly and I could feel a bulge in his pants begin to grow.

I was doing that. I was making him aroused.

I should have been grossed out or offended but instead I felt… empowered.

Another tempo change and I turned my back to him and flipped my hair over my shoulder. I stared back at him as I slowly began to gyrate my hips and ass against his crotch. I could feel how hard he was, how good it felt pressing up against me. His hands slid down my back and landed on my hips, holding me firmly in place.

A soft gasp escaped my lips as I moved to the music. I straightened my back, standing up and wrapped my arm around his head. Taking my cue, his finger tips slowly moved down my arm to my waist and ended firmly on my ass where he gave me a tight squeeze. I gasped again, this time more audible.

My admirer, hearing this then spun me around. We continued to dance to the music but his hands remained on me, holding me tight. I pressed myself into his chest as his hands slowly moved down my dress and once crept towards the front. He slowly lifted the hem of my dress and his fingertips gently pressed against the outside of my panties.

“Is this okay?” He whispered in my ear.

“Mhm.” I moaned softly, biting my lip. “Just the outside, okay?”

“Just the outside.” He repeated.

His hand descended under my dress and gently cupped my crotch.

My pussy.

His fingers slowly stroked the soft fabric of my panties. He brought them from back to front in a slow rhythm, in time to the music and it was enough to almost bring me to my knees. I had never felt anything like it before. I knew that the prosthesis was capable of simulating arousal but this… was something I was completely unprepared for.

Unconsciously, one of my hands had found it’t way to my chest and was massaging my breast as his fingers stroked my pussy. I didn’t ever want this moment to end but sadly, as the current song ended, I felt my admirer’s hand pull away from my crotch and lower my dress back to a slightly more modest level.

“Don’t want to go too far.” He whispered in my ear.

I groaned like a child being told to get off the play equipment but turned to him and smiled. “Such a gentleman.” I said. My cheeks felt like they were on fire and there was a pleasant throbbing coming from beneath my panties as he led me off the dance floor and back to the girls.

“Do you want to turn on some music?” I called though the closed door of the bathroom. Without a verbal response from Mike, in a matter of seconds a slow indie rock song began playing though the speaker in the bedroom.

I strode over to the mirror and fixed my hair and makeup. Here I was, in the bathroom of a man who had just taken me out on a date and I was getting ready to have him fuck me. Christ, last summer I was cleaning the pools of retired geriatrics.

“Lets do this.” I said as I gave my boobs one final shimmy in the pushup bra.

I swung open the bathroom door and slowly approached the bed. My hands reached behind me and slowly unzipped my dress, letting it fall to the floor at my ankles revealing my bra and panties. Instinctively, my hips began to sway with the music and I let my arms move freely, fingers running though my hair as Mike watched from the bed. He was already in his boxers and I could tell that I was getting him excited. That new but still alien sensation of dampness began to grow between my legs as I watched the bulge in his shorts enlarge.

I made my way to the foot of the bed and climbed onto my hands and knees, crawling towards him. His eyes flicked between my eyes and my chest. I bit my lip and moved overtop of him, lowering myself onto his lap, the only thing separating us being the thin fabric of our underwear.

“You look incredible.” Mike said as his hands ran up and down the curves of my body.

I felt myself blush and I looked away. “Thanks.” I said bashfully. Although, the bulge pressing up against my crotch spoke just as loud as his words did.

I lent down to kiss him which he more than reciprocated. His hand went to my back and rested just at the top of my panties while the other one slowly and gently caressed my breast. With each


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