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Greetings, everyone! As the holiday season approaches, I hope you're all doing well and enjoying the festive cheer. While we wait for the new animations to render at BLC, I've been using my free time to work on a side project that I'm really excited about. I wanted to take this opportunity to share a sneak peek of what I've been working on c:

As part of this project, I've been developing a diverse cast of characters that will inhabit the game's world. Each of these characters has their own unique personality, background, and role to play within the game.

Without further ado, let me introduce you to...

Olga is a beautiful and strict woman who is the mother of two young children. Despite her busy schedule as a working mom, she is a hard-working individual who works for a well-respected company. She is highly respected by her colleagues and is known for her intelligence, dedication, and strong work ethic.

However, Olga is not perfect and like many busy mothers, she can be clumsy when it comes to house chores and is often juggling multiple responsibilities at once. Despite her challenges, Olga is determined to be the best mother and employee that she can be, and she never fails to give her all to everything she does.

In addition to her busy work and family life, Olga also makes time for her own personal growth and development. She is an avid reader and is always learning new things to improve herself both personally and professionally.

Overall, Olga is a strong, determined, and well-rounded individual who is always striving for excellence in everything she does. She is a role model for other mothers and women, and is an inspiration to those around her.

Esther is a cute and cheerful young woman who has a passion for sports. She is always up for a good game or competition, and she loves the excitement and challenge that comes with it. However, Esther can also be a bit irresponsible at times, and she tends to procrastinate or put things off until the last minute. Despite her flaws, she is a likable and outgoing person who is always ready to have fun and make new friends. Currently, Esther is attending university and is the second child in her family. Despite the demands of her studies and her other commitments, she always manages to find time for the things that she loves, whether it's playing sports or just hanging out with her friends.

Maria is a playful and young-at-heart woman who loves to laugh and have a good time. Despite her age, she has a vibrant and energetic personality that keeps her feeling young and alive. Together with her sister Olga, Maria runs a successful bakery out of Olga's home. While Olga handles the business side of things, Maria is in charge of creating delicious pastries and other treats that keep customers coming back for more.

Despite her many talents and her warm and friendly personality, Maria has had difficulty finding a husband. She has been searching for the right person for a long time, but so far, she has not had any luck. Despite this, Maria remains hopeful and optimistic, and she is confident that the right person will come along eventually. In the meantime, she is content to focus on her work and her passions, and to enjoy the company of her sister and the rest of her family.

Rocio is a shy and introverted young woman who has always struggled to make friends. Despite her kind and caring nature, she can be hesitant to approach others and tends to keep to herself. However, Esther, who lives next door and is Rocio's best friend, has always been there for her, providing support and encouragement whenever she needs it.

Despite her shyness, Rocio is determined to become more extroverted and to break out of her comfort zone. She knows that making new friends and connecting with others can be a challenging process, but she is determined to push herself and to try new things. In her free time, Rocio enjoys reading, and she finds solace in the pages of her favorite books. Through her reading, she is able to escape the real world and explore new ideas and perspectives.

Rosa is a kind and motherly woman who is always a pleasure to be around. She has a warm and welcoming personality that makes others feel comfortable and at ease in her presence. As Rocio's mom, Rosa is always there for her daughter, providing support and guidance whenever she needs it.

In addition to her role as a mother, Rosa is also the owner of a small shop in the neighborhood. Despite the demands of running a business, she always makes time for her family and is always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need. Rosa is an open-minded and accepting person, and she is always willing to listen to others and consider different perspectives. Whether she is at home or at her shop, Rosa is a welcoming and supportive presence that people can always rely on.

Ramona is a fancy and loud young woman who is the daughter of Oscar, the owner of a popular restaurant on the beach. She is friends with Esther and Rocio, and the three of them often spend time together, whether it's hanging out at the restaurant or exploring the local area. Despite her confident and outgoing personality, Ramona has a bit of a sensitive side, and she can't stand being in the sun for too long. Despite this, she is determined to become a model and is always on the lookout for opportunities to break into the industry.

In her free time, Ramona enjoys shopping and trying out new styles, and she is always looking for ways to express herself through her appearance. She is confident and unapologetic in her choices, and she is not afraid to stand out or to draw attention to herself. Whether she is at the beach or out on the town, Ramona is always the life of the party and is always ready to have a good time.

Carmen is a mean and strong-willed woman who is your dad's new wife. She is not particularly fond of children and tends to be harsh and critical of those around her. Carmen is driven by her desire for wealth and success, and she is always on the lookout for opportunities to advance herself. She has a particular preference for successful men and tends to be attracted to those who can provide her with the financial security and status that she desires.

Despite her tough exterior, Carmen may have a softer side that is hidden beneath the surface. It is possible that she has had difficult experiences in the past that have shaped her worldview and her attitudes towards others. While she may not always be the easiest person to be around, it is possible that she has the capacity for kindness and compassion, and that she is capable of showing love and affection to those who are important to her.

Silvia is a promiscuous and casual woman who is Olga and Maria's cousin. She is divorced and, according to rumors, came into a large sum of money mysteriously. Despite her somewhat mysterious past, Silvia is a friendly and outgoing person who loves to have a good time. She enjoys spending time at the beach and practicing yoga, and she is always looking for new ways to relax and unwind.

Silvia can be a bit of a wild card, and she is not afraid to take risks or to live life on the edge. She is attracted to excitement and adventure, and she is always ready for a new challenge. Whether she is out partying with her friends or relaxing on the beach, Silvia is always up for a good time and is not afraid to let her hair down and have fun.

Elena is a smart and curious person who enjoys learning and exploring new ideas. She has always been a bit of a nerd, but that just makes her all the more interesting and unique. Elena has been a close friend of yours for many years, and you have shared countless memories and experiences together.

Elena is the daughter of Silvia, who is a kind and supportive parent. Despite her caring nature, Elena has always had a bit of a rebellious streak and is more promiscuous than people might assume. She is friends with Daniel, and the three of you have a strong bond and often hang out together.

While Elena enjoys socializing and going out with friends, she also values her alone time and likes to spend quiet evenings at home. She is confident and unapologetic in her actions, and doesn't seem to feel shame or remorse for anything she does. All in all, Elena is a complex and multifaceted individual who is always full of surprises.

Kerryann is a strong and confident person who is an outsider in her small town. Despite being new to the community, everyone loves her for her kind and friendly personality. She is tall and physically strong, and uses her strength to stand up for injustices and fight for what she believes in.

Kerryann is friends with almost everyone in town and is always eager to help those in need. She runs a hotel that caters to non-tourists and homeless individuals, providing them with a safe and welcoming place to stay.

Kerryann is married to Dominic, who is a bit flirty with the hotel guests. Kerryann is aware of this and it has caused some tension in their relationship, but she has also been known to flirt with guests herself. Despite these challenges, Kerryann remains committed to making their marriage work and is determined to find a way to resolve any issues that may come up.

There's some male characters as well, but I don't think anyone cares about them that much... xd

I want to make this game more immersive and dynamic than my previous ones. Although BLC is limited by its reliance on rendering, I plan to give all the characters more complex and varied schedules to make the game world feel more alive. Additionally, I want to include multiple branching storylines, allowing players to make choices that shape the direction of the narrative. 

Its still very early on on development so, we can still add ideas to it, maybe some character paths you want to see. whatever comes to mind.

Any way let me know what you think I'll be reading everything here or discord.



H. M.

Any news on Update schedule ?


holy fukcn sht. The mad man has done it once again. Here I was growing impatient for BLCs update and it turns out youve started and even better project while the main one is still ongoin. You are really evil bro. How can you tease us this hard with a new dish when we have yet to finish the first one. Dont get me wrong. I really love what you are doing here. It is exciting, yet worrying. Im afraid you are biting more than you can chew. Ambition is a double edged sword, brother. Dont get burned out. I try to support you with what I can when I can because Im a delusional believer when I find new adult game projects I really like. Even if they fail to deliver for months lol. However I cannot say the same for other people. Theres only so much hope can do until things start to look like empty promises. They will turn on you and call you a money milker. Ive seen it happen many times. Most people dont know they are pledging for a chance to receive something in return, not definitively.


Don't worry bro, I understand the concern and frustration, I've been on that side as well, I would say don't worry, this project was mainly created during my free time while I was waiting for some new scenes to render at BLC. These scenes can take up to 18 hours to render, and some may even take longer. In the meantime, I wanted to work on something on my laptop, and this project is the result. I have my hands full with this project, so you can expect to see BLC and SC for a long time.


Your models look so good and alive, i specially like Maria because her looks match perfectly with her description.