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Hello every one! NNN it's finally upon us and I'm here to hopefully make you fail. Now I know I've been away for a couple of weeks... so much shit was happening at the same time that I feel a bit overwhelmed, but that doesn't mean I wasn't doing anything.
In the this past weeks a new engine was released by the devs from the engine BLC is made on. Obvisuly a had to check it out, and I have to say that its amazing. Especially in comparison with the old one. So after seeing the potential I wanted to make a small demo of more or less everything that this engine is capable of and ideas that I might come up with. 

Sadly there's no easy way for me to move BLC to this newer engine, meaning that at some point we have to take a break to remake the game here.

I think the jump it's inevitable, not only because it's going to be the engine that its going to receive support from now on, but the engine has very quality of life features for a esear development.

Also, here's a list of features that the new engines its capable of:

  • Engine animations (Currently in the demo)
  • Render animations (Like MP4 and webm)(Not in demo)
  • UI customization
  • Reflections and lighting effects
  • Breast jiggle for engine animations (Not present on demo sadly :c )
  • Actual C# code injection 
  • Night and Day cicle
  • Followers

There's a bunch more stuff but it's on the technical side so I wont be listing them.

Now there's only one momentary draw back. Theres no android compatibility yet. Im not too worried cuz the devs had said that they will be adding it at some point, I just dont know when. Hopefully its soon.

We will discus the future of BLC at a later point, don't worry BLC will continue no matter what. its not canceled or anything.

For now enjoy the demo, Small complex





The new game is great but i wait mimi :(


So has anyone gotten the issue where there is no character models and only stretching colors and you can't take a step without it being almost unseeable?