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With my old eyes I look at this portal, and I wonder if it can take me back to the past. And if possible, when and where would I like to go back? In my childhood years in the village? Or entangle me in my wife's curls? Telling stories to my child again? My tears blur the portal light. Everything of value flew away, just as the morning fog will dissipate.

  • Grid Size: 22 x 34
  • Formats: JPG (Hi Res and Optimized), PDF - (3300  x 5100 pixels)
  • Versions:  Overcast , Sunny, Night, Foggy Night, Twilight, Foggy Twilight.
  • (Portal light On and Off for each version)

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Download Link - Explorer (2 $ Rewards)

Download Link - Cartographer (3 $ Rewards) and Patrons




Thank you so much, again, for such a beautiful map :) I can't wait to use it! As I've said before, your art style is at a completely uniquie level in this business, way better than anyone else in my opinion. However, I must (again) use the opportunity to ask you to please stop with the "low res"/"high res" nonsense, since all your maps are in the same resolution. All you're doing is releasing maps in two different jpeg quality (compression) levels, and since even your "low res" quality is more than good enough, the two versions are completely indistinguishable. What I'd really really love to see, though, is actual high resolution version of your maps!! Double the resolution (300 px per square), released with the same jpeg quality as your "low res" option, would be totally amazing. I've reached out to you multiple times about this, (both in posts and in direct messages) but you don't really respond, which makes me a sad patron :D


Thanks! There may be perfectionists like me who see the traces of the low-res files and it annoys them. And double size maps are very difficult to work with my style with lots of layers and color settings, contours... But I might try to double the map with quality software. The results are pretty good and I will send a double zoomed version. I'll send you the link.