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Oh noes!! This means Hestnut is the queen now? What's happening!!?? (ó﹏ò。)

Sorry to leave you hanging here but we had a busy month! We promise you'll get the big plot twist next month! 🤞

Meanwhile, remember you can read all the pages of this comic in the Master Post 

Thanks so much to our beta-reader and official Halfmoon's Scribe Largemovingtorb 



Branden Bull

Ahhh so excited, the big reveal is gonna happen, and I can't wait to find out how they plan to foil Hestnut! Loving how this comic has built up to this point, I know the pay off is going to be awesome! <3


:( :( :( this one’s got me nervous!!!!! Hoping DT is involved or something. After Hesnut gives her back Adora hopefully it will be revealed that’s not really Catra!!!!