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Everyone looked at Catra expectantly. The plan, as decided in that cramped corner booth, wasn’t particularly sophisticated: Catra—sporting a clandestine streaming camera and mic—would meet with Prime under the guise of wanting to get back to work now that she had been given a clean bill of health. The tricky part would be getting Prime to incriminate himself, and that was the “angle” Scorpia’s moms had tasked them with figuring out.

To Adora, the best approach seemed pretty clear cut: they would use her as a pawn. Catra would return to Prime with the Horde defector in tow as a way to win her way back into his good graces. With Catra back on his good side, Adora figured it would be way easier to get Prime to say something they could use against him.

Read here:

Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29716032/chapters/106864782  

Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1279571539-serve-and-protect-chapter-44



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