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"As she followed Scorpia and Entrapta into the living room, it dawned on Catra that this was the first time she'd had them both over. Why, she wondered, hadn't she done this before? Maybe it would have been nice to have company under better circumstances. But Catra also knew better than that; she didn't get to have a life filled with things like friends and idle chit-chat. Her life was nothing more than bad news heaped on top of trouble and, judging by the grim expression on Scorpia's and Entrapta's faces, whatever had brought them to her apartment in the middle of the night was likely to be a bit of both."

Brace yourselves and read here: 

Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29716032/chapters/101002212

Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1247471645-serve-and-protect-chapter-38

Art by Henar



Kit Myers

I'm fine... it'll be fine..I'll be fine