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It's the time of the month! You can now claim our new batch of stickers (these ones: https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-sticker-pack-61419589)

You must have been a Force Captain or Second in Command patron for more than 3 months to claim the stickers. The first 3 comments win the pack! Remember that if you have been a patron for more than 9 months (Second in Command) or 12 months (Force Captain) we already sent this pack to you (check your inbox to get instructions of how to send us your shipping address). 

And this is a little sketch you can comment too, just SW dealing with baby Catra's lice. 

Sticker WINNERS:

- Danurav

- Susana Vega

- Hayley Garnett


Susana Vega

Oh wow thank you so much!!!!!! I’m so excited

Markus Frisén

Just got them! They look so good. Thank you.