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Chapter 1




This story takes place shortly after the events of this mini comic: Despara Minicomic


With a gleam of light, Glimmer materialized between Catra and Entrapta just as the princess with purple hair was scrambling up the unstable balustrade. A split second before facing certain death, Catra grabbed her by the hair and pushed her to the safety of the balcony without so much as flinching.

Glimmer, oscillating between suspicion and disdain, fixed her gaze on Catra. The princess's eyes sparkled with distrust towards the feline.

"You were right!! This viewpoint is much better," intervened Entrapta enthusiastically, breaking the tension in the air. "Oh, hi! Um... You were...?" she asked, addressing Glimmer.

Catra, with a mocking smile, stepped forward with a sarcastic comment, "She's my shadow, 'Sparkles.' Seems like she wants to join us for a little spying, isn't that adorable?"

Glimmer interrupted with a shrill voice, "Entrapta, don't get close to her, she's from the Horde!" Confusion reflected on Entrapta's face, unable to grasp the urgency in Glimmer's words.

"The Horde, Entrapta! They're the enemy we're fighting against!" Glimmer replied, frustrated, waving her arms as if that would help Entrapta understand the nuances of what she was implying. From the scientist's expression, she wasn’t succeeding. "The rebellion you're a part of!"

Entrapta smiled compassionately, to which Glimmer responded with a defeated growl.

"Why are you worried about who Entrapta associates with?" Catra interjected, sliding an arm over Entrapta's shoulders. "No one besides me has shown interest in her technological knowledge. Except for using it to their advantage, right, Entrapta?"

Glimmer could see how Catra's words were impacting Entrapta, slightly dimming the sparkle in her eyes. With a mix of fury and disbelief, she pulled at the tech girl’s arm, who let out a surprised yelp. "Don't even try, Horde scum!"

Entrapta seemed uncomfortable, her gaze shifting from one to the other without knowing what to say. "Actually, the strange cat lady has a point. I can't do anything useful in the rebellion; they won't let me progress. But in the Horde, she says maybeI..." she confessed, in a barely audible murmur.

Glimmer couldn't believe what she was hearing. Desperate to change Entrapta's perspective, Glimmer tried to convince her of her worth in the rebellion, but her words seemed hollow against Catra's cunning. Catra, with apparent gravity, tilted her head towards Glimmer's lack of argument. "You have Entrapta because you got there first, seducing her with false promises. But in the Horde, she could be someone important. She'd have her own lab, could manipulate First Ones' technology, and even experiment with runestones," she whispered, weaving a web of temptations around the engineer princess whose eyes began to gleam with excitement.

With a frustrated sigh, Glimmer burst out, "Entrapta, you need to open your eyes! The Horde isn't what it seems. They're not friendly inventors; they're invaders and plunderers!"

"But... Catra told me in the Horde I could have the chance to continue my experiments without restrictions. Imagine the number of secrets I could uncover about Etheria! The amazing things I could do with their technology," she responded with a shrill voice, sounding madly excited.

Catra leaned on the railing, watching the conflict she had created with a mocking smile on her lips.

"But, Entrapta, do you really think the Horde will let you do as you please?" Glimmer continued. "They're using you, just like they do with the runestones. You'll be nothing more than a pawn in their game!"

Visibly uncomfortable and wishing to end the lecture, Entrapta simply decided to leave to continue her social experiments.

"Entrapta! Wait! You don't know the possible ramifications of involving with them!" Glimmer yelled, trying to follow her.

"I do! That's what makes it fun!" exclaimed Entrapta as she ran even faster, leaving Glimmer behind.

Glimmer let out a resigned sigh, aware that she would have to deal with Entrapta another time. Her priority now was to keep a vigilant eye on the unpleasant Horde guests.

Turning to face Catra, she found an empty spot. Realizing the feline had disappeared without a trace, she sighed in a silent plea to the heavens for a little patience.

She leaned on the railing and desperately searched for Bow. The music had shifted to a softer ballad, and she watched as the guests prepared to dance in each other's arms. Among the crowd, she spotted Perfuma's shiny blonde mane, seemingly alone and lost in the crowd.

Glimmer appeared in a flurry of sparks in front of Perfuma, startling her. "Have you seen Bow?" she asked urgently.

Perfuma frowned. "I was about to ask you the same thing! He went to get his sash a while ago when the Horde princess left."

"UGH!!! Scorpia dispeared too??" Glimmer growled with frustration as she scanned the area in all directions. Something was terribly wrong.

With her heart pounding, Glimmer pushed her way through the crowd in the ballroom, leaving a concerned Perfuma behind as she frantically searched for her friend. Amidst the flickers of light and elegant dances, her gaze swept from side to side, desperate to find Bow among the guests.

Finally, in the distance, she caught a familiar face: Catra disappearing behind a door in one of the corridors. Without hesitation, Glimmer rushed in her direction, ignoring the curious looks of those present as she stormed through the room like a whirlwind.

Upon reaching the hallway, her heart skipped a beat at the scene before her: two palace guards dragging Bow, his body limp in their arms. A cry of anguish escaped from Glimmer's lips, her voice echoing in the empty hallway as she rushed towards the scene, hoping to find her friend unharmed.

Filled with rage, Glimmer lunged at the fake guards holding Bow, her body enveloped in a glow of energy. Her fists struck with precision, driving back the impostors, and creating an opportunity to free her friend. However, Scorpia's sudden appearance added a new challenge to the fray.

Scorpia's sharp tail became an additional threat, snaking quickly to attack Glimmer. With agile movements and sharp reflexes, the princess dodged the attacks, keeping her focus on the mission to rescue Bow.

Meanwhile, in the shadows, Catra watched the scene unfold. With princess sparkles occupied, it was the perfect time to act. With stealthy steps, she slipped towards the entrance of the Runestone chamber.

to be continued…

Art: Iria Abella

Script: Henar Torinos

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The Reader Writes

I love this! What amazing writing and also the rage on Glimmers face in the last illustration is epic!

Branden Bull

Oh man, this is fascinating to see this version of Princess Prom! That Catra actually convinced Entrapta at this point, and making some good points to Entrapta. Also, always fun to see Glimmer and stars she is full.of fury and it looks awesome! Great work as always <3


Lol, those dumb Rebellion evidently failed to continue saying those 'magic' words to Entrapta : "first ones tech", "science experiments", "a lab", and "to have fun yet be careful" ... ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯