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What's up everybody! How's your summer going?

This is 10min of a 40min session I just started editing today. Kind of taking it easy on this video to give you all time to catch up on your practice :)

Doing the voiceover takes a while, so I'm just taking a bite out of the video this week and will follow up when I complete the full video.

I'm experimenting with how the natural sounds of breath (and squeaky floors) sound as a backdrop for future videos. Unfortunately the squeaky floors sound like my joints are popping! I'm going to see if setting up a nicer mic closer to the mat makes it better quality.

But anyway, yea... Chaturanga is back, baby!

You might have noticed that the latest videos have not included Chaturanga, and the latest version of Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar) did not even include Cobra or Up Dog. Once I started working Crow pose into the mix, my shoulders and arms were starting to flare up with pain... and so rather than pushing through I stepped back.

Opting to move forward into Plank, but not further into Cobra, allowed my shoulders arms and chest to stabilize and connect with core strength. The hip opening also really released a lot of tension in my neck. Do you know about the relationship between the structure of your hips and your neck and jaw? It's there.

So, I wasn't surprised when Chaturanga came running up to meet me for this practice. I didn't plan it, but was ready to welcome it back.

But seriously, the full session is an advancement of the Summer Yoga Video series, and it gets sweaty, so I hope you enjoy this short 10min practice session to prepare :)

Let me know if you like the idea of more videos with the natural sounds of yoga at home. If I can get the squeaky floors to sound better, I think it might be cool asmr with 3d sounds. Something new to explore! Open to opinions :)


10MIN YOGA - Chaturanga is back, baby

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