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This "blooper footage" turned into a pretty nice Beginner Challenge. It certainly was a challenge for me to practice these postures while teaching them... Good times! I recommend a hot salt bath (epsom salt muscle soak) for sore muscles and full body dry brushing. I will share more about these self-care practices in the near future :)

This sequence is a solid progression, and in combination with the Beginner Friendly - 30min Pada Power provides an excellent foundation of standing pose practice!

Now that you've had the chance to watch and follow along with the Beginner Friendly version, you can call out which foot positions -- corresponding with the foundations of each posture --are Pada One or Pada Two :)

Here is your patrons-only webpage for the 3 new yoga sessions -


...which reminds me to tell you that I gave Yoga Current a major makeover this weekend! It was my birthday weekend, and I jokingly have said that "I gave myself a new website for my birthday." It's just what I wanted! I also gave myself some new yoga clothes, and am going to relax at a hot springs spa next week for fun.

Beginner Challenge | 40 Min Guided Yoga 

All standing postures are noted as remedies for keeping our body weight lean, toning our core, butt, and legs, and developing proper alignment of ankles, knees and hips. --the health indications in my descriptions are sourced from Light on Yoga by Iyengar.

Also, I recommend having a yoga block. I'm using a 4in foam block in this video!

  • Tree Pose

This pose tones the leg muscles and gives one a sense of balance and poise.

  • Triangle

This pose tones the leg muscles, and removes stiffness in the legs and hips. It relieves backaches and neck strain, strengthens the ankles, and develops the chest.

  • Revolved Side Angle (2x's!)

This pose tones the thighs, calves, and hamstrings, along with the back muscles. As the abdominal organs contracted, the pose aids in digestion and rejuvenates the abdominal organs and spinal column with fresh circulation. This pose helps to remove waste matter from the colon without strain. 

If you feel exhausted then you can substitute Side Angle pose in place of Revolved Side Angle until your body attains more strength and flexibility, and "becomes elastic."

  • Wide Angle--Rotations and Fold

This pose stretches the hamstrings and inner thighs, and refreshes circulation to the chest and head. It is a preliminary pose to headstand, and can substitute for headstand and achieve many of the same benefits, including increased digestive power. 

  • Half Moon Balance

This pose tones the lower back muscles, nerves connected with the legs, and it strengthens the knees. 

If you feel exhausted then you can substitute Triangle pose in place of Half Moon Balance until your body attains more strength and flexibility, and "becomes elastic." 

  • Bow

This pose stretches your back and keeps your body agile. It also tones your abdominal organs. According to Iyengar, " persons suffering from slipped discs have obtained relief by the regular practice of Bow and Locust...."

  • Side Bow Stretch

This stretch massages your abdominal organs, releases tension in the shoulders, and helps to correct forward-slumping posture.

  • Upward Dog

This pose rejuvenates the spine, and replaces stiffness with agility in the back. It can relieve sciatica pain and backaches. With chest expansion the pose creates healthy lungs, and also brings fresh circulation and health in the pelvis. 

  • Reclined Figure Four

This pose compresses the back muscles providing a gentle massage, while opening the outer-hip rotation.

  • Reclined Cobbler

This pose relaxes the entire body with open shoulders and trunk, while providing a stretch for the inner-hips.

Have fun, and I'll see you in the next video soon ~


BEGINNER FRIENDLY YOGA - Pada Power Challenge Video w/Bloopers - 10 Yoga Poses Session Three |40min



Amazing vid!!!!! Definitely helps me get stretched out