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Hello Patreon!

I’m in the beginning of a flow state. You know what I’m talking about when I say “flow state,” right? It’s the opposite of an ebb....

For me, this flow state is really peaking with the experience of acceptance.

I am:

  • Accepting that things take time.
  • Accepting that there are many things I want to do, and to work on.
  • Accepting that manifestation is a process of creation.

And, accepting that I am in love with life!

The current yoga video I am making to share with you, focuses on shoulder opening (releasing shoulder tension = sigh of relief), core stabilization, and twists.

It’s on the way.

Here’s a vlog for you. in the meantime!


Reflection on Video Making - Steps to Manifesting

New practice video in the works



Sometimes we just need to take a step back... I’ve allways been a big fan of yours so I have allways stayed subscribed. Love you and your content!!


Thanks Dizz! That’s so nice to hear. I truly appreciate your presence and engagement with my Patreon page. Cheers to the ebb, and flow!