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Roar. How's everybody doing?! I'm having a great time in the jungle! And my yoga pants have a tiger design, which further explains the "roar" greeting :) 

So, I created this video from my morning  practice to guide you through a yummy yoga routine that builds strength, flexibility, peace, and prowess! This sequence moves from the Solar strength/power building Warrior Pose Vinyasa into the Lunar flexibility/core challenge of Triangle, Twists, and Twisting Triangle. You get a fun engagement in Crow (Bakasana) arm balance and a nice backbend in Camel (Ustrasana).


PS I was still learning how my new camera works, so the picture gets tilted towards the end. I figured out how to keep that from happening but some of these first videos came out that way. \

PPS On the brighter-side, I'm turning into a natural blond again with all the surfing in sun and salt water! ;)


Morning Yoga in Costa Rica


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