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So that's a wrap on kinktober, I'm sorry for anyone who's request I didn't get to, I've been under a lot of stress lately.
Mostly because my dad was diagnosed with cancer, among other things.

I'm going to have to try some new things around here if I'm ever going to make a living so I'll be brainstorming what to do here moving forward. I won't be able to live off my dad forever, and I can't pay rent and bills and food etc with only ±200 monthly.

I might try doing some YCH commission animations or something

I wish there was some kind of cheat code to patreon out there. It feels like I've been stuck just under 200 for so long now.
Apologies for the complaining, I just want to be able to keep working full time animating massive floppy wobblers for everyone.

Anyways, thanks for understanding
And thank you for the continued support

I'll get to posting here again in the next few days



Sorry to hear about your Dad Yeti, hope he pulls through and makes a speedy recovery ♥