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So for those of you not "in the know" I lost a week to a debilitating migraine and because of that, I'm going to have to see what I can do with the sketch roulette in the next few days, and then see if I can slip whatever the poll winner is in between the chaos that is Kinktober.

As per usual, I won't be able to do a Poll and a Roulette for October due to the festivities taking up a majority of my time. I may end up needing to push back the September things back to Early November, (For the 5 people who actually put anything in).

I'll try my best to keep on top of things moving forward, but this will probably push the Wendy animation back even further.
I've already had to cut down how much effort I put into the Kira Iced latte +breast milk meme because of all the work piling up which is a shame, (I was going to make milk drip from her nipples, have a whole other scene of her milking into a cup, and then handing the camera an overflowing cup of milk) but I just didn't have the time.

Thank you for your support and your patience. 



Hey probably other people have said this to you but just in case they haven't, I know what it's like to lose time to health stuff and I think it's totally justified if your work capacity is reduced for a while. It's cool you're already doing stuff to respect that change! Good luck and thanks for letting us know.


(^~^;)ゞ Nah you're the first, but I really appreciate the sentiment, means a lot.