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For MCCC 2023.5, my current plan is to mainly analyze some bugs that have been reported to find out what, if any, are MCCC, and to add new cheats available for Horse Ranch to MC Cheats and to add the same functionality there are for other pets to horses.

If I have some extra time, I'll see what else I can add as well.



One thing I have noticed and I dont know what is the cause but I cannot call a ranch hand on my phone or any services.I click on it and theres an immediate mcc exception and my sims T bars


For support, you should go to one of the support Discord channels I list in each release post. We don't do support here. Sounds like one of your mods/cc is out of date.


Do you have plans to allow us to enter MCCC through horses like we can cats and dogs, to allow us to add them to our households?


Yeah. That's the part of the TO DO list up above where I said I would add the same functionality for horses as other pets.