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Hey, all!  Hope 2023 is going well for everyone!  Just to let everyone know, although I have in mind what the next "big thing" I'm going to implement is going to be, I'm not planning on working on it immediately following the 2023.1.0 release.

EA is supposed to be releasing their big "infant" update in less than a month at this point.  Most all of the mod creators are expecting to be impacted by this update, myself included.  This update will most likely break MCCC and if I have a public release out and a pre-release, I'll have to fix both rather than just fixing one.  I totally expect to have to add some specific code around infants, if nothing else than to make sure they're not included in functions they shouldn't be.

After the infant update comes out and I hotfix 2023.1.0 to be stable with it, I'll move on to 2023.2.0.  My plans for 2023.2.0 are really mostly focused on these:

  • If I have to make changes to some existing features to get them to work with infants, I plan to do that.  An example is changing adoption to include infants.  The hotfix I do for the public release will just be to fix errors, not to include infants in everything they should be included within.
  • Similar to the Custom Definition changes I made to MC Dresser, I'd like to expand the functionality in MC Dresser's item cleaner.  A basic workflow of how the two might work together is like this: In MC Dresser, a player has a Custom Definition to add acne to teens 60% of the time.  My thoughts for MC Cleaner would be that players could add a new rule that says that when sims age-up to young adult, that acne would be removed 90% of the time.  They could further add a rule that when sims age-up to adult, it's removed 90% of the time, etc.  Acne is a real-world example of how I'm thinking on this because I've been asked about that in the past after custom definitions were added.  I think it could be added for body hair and other item types as well.  I'm planning on adding more options even than there were for MC Dresser since we can have more variance in removing things, I think, since it's applying to an entire outfit slot (acne/body hair) rather than clothing items.  I plan to have it configurable based on gender, age, occult-type (only apply to vampires, etc.), percentage chance.

That's my goal for next release.  Just wanted to pass it along!  :)


Sam D.

Really appreciate how you plan for patch updates.


So you say change things in infants to make them not do some thinks included with infants.. I don't understand.


I don't understand what you mean. EA is adding infants to Sims 4. It will break MCCC when they do. I will be adding code to make MCCC work again...