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Ok, I'm moved, but not fully unboxed...still thinking of things I need to start working on to get 2021.3.0 moving.

  • Main thing is finish the UI update on settings by getting through MC Woohoo.
  • There's some new death types from recent EA releases that I need to decide if I want to include in MCCC's "Kill Sim" choices.
  • There's some new Sims that EA has added that are immortal and we should have options to have them NOT be immortal.
  • There are some UI setting bugs that people have found in the past changes for 2021 that I need to look through and fix.
  • If I have time, I need to begin working on the MC Cheats (Mailbox) dialog to update it like I did settings.  I figure I'd save the Sim dialog for last cause it's biggest!



Thank you so much for all you do for us! You are greatly appreciated.


Take your time and thank you for all the hard work you do.

Dark Angel

I have a question and/or a possible suggestion.....can you either use your phone or the mailbox to access the MCCC settings (like on the computer) for technophobes? They hate using their phones, but that is better than using a computer for them. Is that achievable or just a dream? If it is workable, I can put it in the suggestions. ♥♥♥ Thank you for your time & amazing work! ♥♥♥ Take your time in responding please, since your irl takes priority!!!! ♥♥♥


I have console commands to access each of the menus without using a computer/mailbox or clicking on a Sim. That's always been a feature because some people don't want it on their radial menus. The Phone menu in the game is outside of MCCC scripting functionality. It's coded by EA in their UI, not on the scripting side.


Thank you for all you do, take your time. Moving is exhausting, especially with a child. I'm sure we'll all survive ;)

Adam Washington

Currently kinda/sorta in the process of moving as well and boy is it stressful. Please take your time! Wishing you and your family the best! :)


Talk about unboxing, oui! You know that I moved from Ohio nearly a year to the very day and I still have boxes that have yet to be unpacked? Haha, so in other words don't do what I do. But anyways, it's good to hear from you in any case. I'm sure that once you guys are all settled in, well? As settled as you feel that all this will come in time. Whatever the case may be, take care and happy Simming!


LOL! Yeah, my wife is a terrible procrastinator with that sort of thing so I'm sure we will be the same way! "My stuff" (ie. everything in my office and my clothes and stuff) was mostly boxed/unboxed in the first week of moving! :D

Wendy Hubble

I abhor moving. I so don't envy you that process. I hope the move is a good one for you though. By the way, I love the changes you have made to MCCC so far.


I don't like moving either..... but my husband see it as a golden opportunity to throw away stuff he thinks I don't need anymore, LOL!


Figured you should know, just for the record, the maximum number of offspring was raised along with the household limit. You can check this with cheat commands. Figured you may want to know for your MCCC going forward.


I'm not really sure what you mean. MCCC has always allowed up to 6 offspring for a pregnancy and the number of offspring per household that is stored in MCCC is separate from EA's stuff. Do you mean they raised it above the triplets they used to allow? I haven't seen any notes about them allowing quadruplets, etc. with any patches? That would be news to me, if that's what you're saying. Nobody has mentioned it in support or anything...


I just installed 2021.2.1 and when i input my usual mccc settings from prior versions now it locks my game up and freezes ? (no conflicts installed )


For support, you need to go Discord. "No conflicts" doesn't mean anything. There's no way to tell that script conflicts are happening without game issues happening. There are utilities out there that tell you if TUNING MOD conflicts are happening, but those do nothing with script mods. It's impossible for a utility to tell if script mods conflict. So, if you want to try it before going to the support Discord server, one of the first things they'll tell you is "remove all mods and cc except MCCC and see if it still happens". If it doesn't happen, then you have another mod/cc causing the problems. If it does, then that information will help support help you. All of that is stuff they will help you with on the Discord server. We don't do support here. There are details in each of my release posts along with links to the server.


Would you please consider updating the MC Dresser copy/paste functionality to carry over the advanced settings (transparency, etc) for makeup, as well as the new nail polish and toenail polish categories for accessories? Thank you so much - I use that all the time! <3


If the transparency is something that CAN be copied, I can look into it. Fingernail and toenail is already on my list to look into copying. Thanks!