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Rem can never catch a break (´∩`。)

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It is skipped over in the anime to save time, but Subaru reset SEVERAL times trying to save Rem (it’s alluded to with the focus in the knife.) It never worked, but Crusch was actually dead when they showed Felis crying over her body. She lost too much blood and died on her way back I believe. But Subaru resetting allowed them to eventually save Crusch and Felis was able to heal her arm.


whoever said to watch the end credits scene just overcomplicated things


I dont think Crusch was ever dead. Felix just cried because Crusch was injured (even though he could easily just heal her lol)


To help explain some things without spoilers: 1) Crusch never died, she just lost an arm. Rem’s gesture was just to allow Crusch to rest as she is passed out. 2) Rem’s battle with Gluttony is actually MUCH MUCH longer. Remember there were still way more soldiers behind the carriage that Rem and Crusch were in. Rem’s fight against gluttony was long enough to allow them to run away to the capital and bring back reinforcements. Greed probably got tired of Gluttony and Rem fighting that he prob just helped (the wind we see attack Rem). 3) Crusch’s name was probably not taken because the rest of the soldiers brought the reinforcements which left Gluttony with not enough time to consume both Crusch’s name and Memories. Eating the memories and names of people actually takes a little while longer than you would think. It would make sense that gluttony ran out of time because they mention that there are several others that are in Rem’s state while a few only lost their memories. 4) Crusch got her arm back through healing magic. Yall forget they have magic 😂 they can grow full limbs back if they are strong healers. Felix just so happens to be THE BEST healer in the kingdom so he was able to regrow Crusch’s arm back. 5) Puck does not remember Rem. You gotta remember there are some scenes skipped. Like Subaru trying to save Rem multiple times(anime only showed him try one time but he actually tried a lot more times, thats why he stared at the knife. Thinking if he should try again). Subaru just told Emilia and Puck that they knew Rem and showed them her body. 6) Ram doesnt know anything right now because she is at the mansion. All of this is happening at the kingdom.


Whoa, didn't know this. Is it implied that Subaru had them stop, return back near the village, and then get Felis in order to save Crusch?

Aleister Crowley

During the fight Gluttony asked Rem who she was and she gave him her name. I don't think he ever got Crusch's so that's probably why she kept her name, same with the soldiers.

Kevin Hutton

I didn't want to hit the topic of a spoiler so I waited till this episode to say the only difference between the director's cut and the regular show is the director's cut censored the burning bodies the witch's cult burned in the village because japan just went through the Kyoto Animation fires; made minor tweaks to timing; and of course they added that sean from season 2 to the end credit sean of the director's cut. If I had spoken up that may not have happened


The fire was so tragic, so that makes sense. It's all good about the end credit, we are just glad we didn't miss anything important! - Dani


Can Rem never catch a break lol and the hell is up with these witch cult god people and Greed god looks cool asf


I haven't cried laughing in so loooong. Who ever trolled them, that was too good. LMAO