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This episode was HORRIFYING _(:‚‹」∠)_

YouTube Reaction *includes intro and outro discussion*

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This episode made me call the boys to go for pints needed a good session to cleanse the depression. But damn that sloth fella is such a good villain hes absolutely awful sooooo creepy and the voice acting by all the characters is just fantastic.

Kevin Hutton

Ladies what are you talking about this show was horror from the start you're stuck in now. Also, the books describe the transition from dying to a new loop as instant there is no lag time from suffering to boom new loop. Just think how fucked that is.

Noch Noch

Ah shits, here we go again.

Gabriel Menezes

Ikr ! for me the show has been dark since the first couple episodes but the debut of Betelgeuse just takes things to a whooole, very distant, totally different level and damn it gets you hyped to watch and wait for the payback day !!

Anthony Chavez

subaru is pisssd off🤣🤣


Saw you had Episode 15 scheduled this week and first thing I thought was… Oh no, it’s *THAT* episode…

Wasabi tobiko

nobody say it ? my brain trembles


This is exactly how you should be feeling about the episode. Do not fear. It gets better. Sort of.


Id like to help explain some stuff that are not brought up in the anime and not spoiling; 1) I absolutely hate and despise betelgeuse BUT nothing he said was wrong. Subaru did not go into a state of insanity(He has a strong mental fortitude, he would have gone insane way earlier if he started going insane now). He was still responsive. He hugged Rem, he held her hand when she was taking him away. He was repeating the names of the people he loved. He was more or less processing everything that happened(the anime never explains that his new life starts the very moment he is killed, there is 0 delay/lag. Instantly after his death, he is already in his next life so that is probably why he was taking time to process). He definitely did not go into a state of insanity, true insanity is much worse and betelgeuse knows that because well..cant you tell? Betelgeuse is a true genuine insane person. Insanity recognizes insanity and Subaru did not go insane. A lot of the things betegeuse says about each person is correct. Even though he is a villain, pay attention to what he says because he can be very right at times. He is a sin, he can recognize when others are being sinful. 2) Just cause Subaru and Rem left earlier doesnt mean they arent enemies with Crusch. Enemies is a little harsh of a word, what crusch meant is that they will both be on opposing sides of this “electing a new ruler” thing which in a way makes them enemies. She said it the way she did in order to potentially stop Subaru from going because she sees that he is powerless and wouldnt have been able to do anything..and as we know she was right. 3) The ice in the first life is the start of the snowstorm that happens in the second life. 4) (this isnt explaining anything, just want to make sure you didnt miss it) The witch’s scent, that is on Subaru, is getting stronger and stronger. You see it in Rem’s reaction during the second life and you hear her say it right there at the end of the episode when he starts his third life.


Seeing this notification truly made my brain tremble


15 & 18 are my biggest heart wrenchers. & was the beast identity at the end meant to be unambiguous ?

Reuben Filimaua

What this episode demonstrates is that everything went to shit despite Subaru choosing to do nothing (aka being slothful). Listen carefully to what Betulgese was saying in his words to Subaru. He understands insanity and believes Subaru is fully sane but chooses to act insane and doing nothing, all to gain sympathy. Truly a slothful person. The deconstruction of Subaru as a person in this series is crazy. Also its best to note.. this series is not dark for the sake of edginess. But its to demonstrate how twisted and cruel this fantasy world is.. and its not going to stop being that for anyone. Not even "the protagonist" Subaru. Things aren't gonna change for him unless HE decides to change as a person. To adapt better to this world, instead of expecting this world to run smoothly FOR HIM. And I think from a writing standpoint, and to get across such messages in a genre usually intended for escapism and wish fulfillment.. is genius.


Rem is best girl and this episode is always so hard to watch 😢 it's one of the darkest ones of the whole show. And the show will explain the daughter line eventually so don't feel too confused by that one


Always one of the best episodes of Re:Zero until we can see more content in future seasons. Well you need to suffer with Subaru first for things to get better once again.


This show is just shock after shock lol literally have no words Rem was dead and he just tiwsted and mangled her body more and more ew and what was that huge cat at the end?!